Posts Tagged ‘citibank’

SIGTARP Report Says 70% Denied for HAMP Loan Modifications – What’s Going On Here?

SIGTARP Report Says 70% Denied for HAMP Loan Modifications - What's Going On Here?

It's unconscionable that the loan modification process be allowed to go on as is. The latest SIGTARP Report to Congress makes it clear that servicers need to be made better, or it is likely that HAMP will be with... (Continue reading)

OCC Clamps Down on 6 Banks for Noncompliance with 2011 Consent Orders

OCC Clamps Down on 6 Banks for Noncompliance with 2011 Consent Orders

Servicers were cited for failing to respond to borrower requests for loan modifications, not making a good-faith effort to prevent foreclosures and not having systems in place to track progress.... (Continue reading)

Court Rules Against the Robinson’s in Quiet Title Case  (You can’t file for quiet title and not invite MERS to the party.)

Court Rules Against the Robinson's in Quiet Title Case  (You can't file for quiet title and not invite MERS to the party.)

Or, let's be honest about this... a more accurate way to describe what happened here, would be to say that the Robinsons didn't want to notify MERS, because they wanted the default judgment that was likely to result from only... (Continue reading)

RealtyTrac’s Blomquist: The Foreclosure Crisis is Well Behind Us.  Mandelman: Oh, Shut-up Daren. 

RealtyTrac's Blomquist: The Foreclosure Crisis is Well Behind Us.  Mandelman: Oh, Shut-up Daren. 

Frankly, I'm both tired of being proven right and shocked that it hasn't happened sooner and by someone with even more intellectual prominence. Derwood Blomquist just assured the nation that the foreclosure crisis was... what were the exact words... (Continue reading)

Patience is more than just a virtue… it could save your home from foreclosure.

Patience is more than just a virtue... it could save your home from foreclosure.

Here are my 12 RULES for Contacting Servicers... Getting your loan modified is easier today than its ever been... that's a fact. But coming to the table with the baggage of whatever happened last time will only increase the... (Continue reading)

Loan Modification Misinformation or Lies… I Just Can’t Take Much More of This 

Loan Modification Misinformation or Lies... I Just Can't Take Much More of This 

It's been six years since this crisis began, and it's shocking how far we haven't come as far as loan modifications are concerned. But, at this point it's not the servicers that are causing most of the problems... it's... (Continue reading)

Mortgage Originations Are Down by 60-70% Year-Over-Year… But Everything’s Okay

Mortgage Originations Are Down by 60-70% Year-Over-Year... But Everything's Okay

So, the mortgage industry has seen originations fall in a single year by 60-70 percent, but the housing markets are okay, in fact they're recovering all around us every day, and prices are up. ... (Continue reading)

Was it worth it?  Yeah, to me it definitely was. (For you maybe the reverse is true.)

Was it worth it?  Yeah, to me it definitely was. (For you maybe the reverse is true.)

If you switch your traditional mortgage to a reverse mortgage and you miss a payment, no one cares... if you miss three payments, no one cares... want to take the whole year off and make no mortgage payments... perfectly fine...... (Continue reading)

I Don’t Care What the Media Says, Housing Market is Horrible, and Homeowners Still Suffering through the Loan Mod Process

I Don't Care What the Media Says, Housing Market is Horrible, and Homeowners Still Suffering through the Loan Mod Process

I know what sorts of headlines run rampant through the media these days. It's nothing new... it's been going on non-stop since at least 2008. It's also utter and complete nonsense.... (Continue reading)

U.S. News & World Report Presents 4 Alternatives to a Reverse Mortgage

U.S. News & World Report Presents 4 Alternatives to a Reverse Mortgage

If a company was misinforming seniors about reverse mortgages with deceptive advertising in order to sell them on reverse mortgages, everyone would be disgusted and demand that it stop. So, why would anyone be any less outraged with U.S.... (Continue reading)

The 2 Attorneys that Won $16 million Jury Verdict Against PHH Mortgage – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

The 2 Attorneys that Won $16 million Jury Verdict Against PHH Mortgage - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

This is not the first decision that punished a servicer for mistreating a homeowner in the loan modification process, in fact this past year there have been a dozen or more around the country. I think it's safe to... (Continue reading)

Helping a Homeowner Succeed with Bank of America/SPS Loan Mod is Like Mardi Gras in June!

Helping a Homeowner Succeed with Bank of America/SPS Loan Mod is Like Mardi Gras in June!

The homeowner below who wrote to me a couple of days ago to thank me for helping her get her Bank of America/SPS loan modified, is one of the homeowners that I hope I know forever. Because Margaret Saizan... (Continue reading)

Even on Some of the Most Progressive Porches in America, Foreclosures Not Well Understood

Even on Some of the Most Progressive Porches in America, Foreclosures Not Well Understood

Okay, so I decided that I would do it... I'd bring up the topic of the ongoing foreclosure crisis. These were my peeps and it's not like I don't know a thing or two about the subject matter... maybe... (Continue reading)

We All Agree: We want to keep people in their homes if possible… sort of.

We All Agree: We want to keep people in their homes if possible... sort of.

So, if Wells Fargo was now willing to allow Arthur to sell the home he'd built and lived in since 1988 for $375,000... why not sell the home to Arthur for $375,000, and Arthur would use a reverse mortgage for... (Continue reading)

Why Does Ocwen Want to Modify Loans? Answer: Because they profit by doing so.

Why Does Ocwen Want to Modify Loans?  Answer: Because they profit by doing so.

The thing is that no one wants to think that the horror show we've all witnessed these last five years hasn't been part of a nefarious plot to steal homes and take over the world somehow. That would at... (Continue reading)

Mortgage Resolution Partners’ Chairman, Steven Gluckstern Says Eminent Domain Plan will Go Forward – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Mortgage Resolution Partners' Chairman, Steven Gluckstern Says Eminent Domain Plan will Go Forward - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Steven Gluckstern is the Executive Chairman of Mortgage Resolution Partners ("MRP"), the company that has been advising cities and municipalities all over the country, and most notably Richmond, California, in their use of eminent domain to take over underwater loans... (Continue reading)

Tom Deutsch of the ASF on Eminent Domain & Loan Modifications – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Tom Deutsch of the ASF on Eminent Domain & Loan Modifications - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

If Professor Robert Hockett is the man behind the plan to use eminent domain to take over underwater loans and write them down for homeowners, Tom Deutsch is his arch nemesis. This is an opportunity to hear how the... (Continue reading)

Dear Fellow Travelers… a letter from a Mandelman Matters reader.

Dear Fellow Travelers... a letter from a Mandelman Matters reader.

I was not involved in her foreclosure battle. She wrote to me because she wanted to tell other homeowners what she came to discover about Mandelman Matters after going through the same sort of journey that far to many... (Continue reading)

Apparently White House is PLEASED with HAMP and Housing?

Apparently White House is PLEASED with HAMP and Housing?

I'm actually relieved that the White House knows about the millions of delinquencies, underwater and effectively underwater loans... that sales have been "slowing" since last July, but slowing even more so since the first of the year. I'm so... (Continue reading)

Following in the Rich Tradition of Appraisal Fraud, Servicers Using Zillow® for Home Values

Following in the Rich Tradition of Appraisal Fraud, Servicers Using Zillow® for Home Values

Using a Zestimate to determine a home's value is almost like trying to make your mortgage payment using Monopoly money. And yet, homeowners and others involved in loan modifications from around the country have confirmed being told by Chase,... (Continue reading)

Dave Dayen Does Great Job Describing “Government Cowardice” and Donovan’s Complicity “Selling” the National Mortgage Settlement

Dave Dayen Does Great Job Describing

Dayen's article is still an outstanding piece of work that I very much appreciated. It saved me from having to read Smith's final report, and he wrote it in such a way that I think it represents the perfect... (Continue reading)

What I Know About Loan Modifications – 2014

What I Know About Loan Modifications - 2014

I see loans get modified every day, and the people I see haven't paid anyone for anything, or if they did, it was hundreds, not thousands of dollars. At the same time, I've seen people who absolutely needed someone... (Continue reading)

GUEST POST: Mortgages, now in the hands of specialty servicers, means trouble for homeowners and investors.

GUEST POST: Mortgages, now in the hands of specialty servicers, means trouble for homeowners and investors.

During the past 12 months, the rights to service millions of home loans have been shifted from large banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Chase to specialty loan servicers like Ocwen Home Loan Servicing, Nationstar and SPS,... (Continue reading)

FDIC Shared Loss Agreements Did NOT Pay Off Your Loan (No Matter What AZ Court Seems to Think)

FDIC Shared Loss Agreements Did NOT Pay Off Your Loan (No Matter What AZ Court Seems to Think)

It's remarkable, if you think about it, how many people are supposedly trying to pay off your underwater mortgage once you've stopped making your mortgage payments. It's like there's a rush to pay off your mortgage once you default on... (Continue reading)

Uncertainty in the Loan Mod Process is Barrier to U.S. Economic Growth

Uncertainty in the Loan Mod Process is Barrier to U.S. Economic Growth

Once a mortgage is underwater... should you get hit with a life event such as a divorce, illness, injury, job loss or income reduction... you can't sell your home... and you can't borrow against it to help you get through... (Continue reading)

Eminent Domain Part 3 with Cornell Law’s Professor Robert Hockett – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Eminent Domain Part 3 with Cornell Law's Professor Robert Hockett - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Eminent domain means taking over underwater loans and writing them down for homeowners. Professor Robert Hockett authored the plan, and is consulting with cities all over the country now considering using eminent domain to save their cities from becoming...... (Continue reading)

Why Can’t We FIX Something About the Loan Modification Process?

Why Can't We FIX Something About the Loan Modification Process?

I've seen my government fail at lots of things over the years, but this failure is too important and too costly to allow it to continue. We've lost more than five million homes to-date... and recent forecasts show we're... (Continue reading)

Testimony to Martin Andelman from Homeowner with Bank of America Loan

Testimony to Martin Andelman from Homeowner with Bank of America Loan

Martin's blog is the place to go for the hard cold facts surrounding the housing crisis. He does not sugar coat reality, which sometimes make his articles hard to swallow. Even so, his blog is a vast well of... (Continue reading)

I have the best readers in the world… I am humbled by their words.

I have the best readers in the world... I am humbled by their words.

Mr. Martin Andelman is providing a much -needed function to humanity with his unfailing actions and skills as a media spokesman and intermediary to the banking/loan-servicing agencies. He needs to be acknowledged and compensated in kind for the work he... (Continue reading)

The Year is New… But the Housing Hype is the Same Old Thing

The Year is New... But the Housing Hype is the Same Old Thing

Is the foreclosure crisis coming to an end... not a chance. RealtyTrac latest report is utter nonsense. The year may be new, but the B.S. is all too familiar.... (Continue reading)

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2013 is an Annual Political and Economic Year in Review I write every year... I've been doing it since 2007, so this year makes it seven years in a row. If you want to... (Continue reading)

Borrowers Facing Foreclosure Should be Dancing in the Streets Over “˜X’ and “˜Z’ and Here’s Why

Borrowers Facing Foreclosure Should be Dancing in the Streets Over

So, there you have it... a solid check mark in the "WIN" column for consumers over the interests of the banking industry. And I don't think Realtors, mortgage brokers, or even the banks themselves have come to fully understand... (Continue reading)

I’m Betting We Get Extended Tax Relief on Forgiven Mortgage Debt for Christmas This Year

I'm Betting We Get Extended Tax Relief on Forgiven Mortgage Debt for Christmas This Year

Some are starting to worry about what is likely to happen if they let the Act's tax relief provisions related to foreclosure avoidance expire. I simply don't think there's any real chance they won't extend the Act for at... (Continue reading)

We’re Not Stopping the Foreclosure Crisis because it Affects Mostly Brown People

We’re Not Stopping the Foreclosure Crisis because it Affects Mostly Brown People

This is not a tragedy that discriminates. The race diminished as a result of what is being allowed to transpire will be "human". ... (Continue reading)

NOW YOU CAN KNOW… How Much Your Investor is Losing by Foreclosing on Your Home.

NOW YOU CAN KNOW... How Much Your Investor is Losing by Foreclosing on Your Home.

I think the entire country is under the impression that servicers foreclose because it's in the best financial interests of the investors, and perhaps sometimes they do... but data from this trust and others I've looked at, to my way... (Continue reading)

Thanksgiving Day Memories and What I Want for the Holidays this Year

Thanksgiving Day Memories and What I Want for the Holidays this Year

How about if everyone who knows how to postpone a sale date, volunteers to help anyone who needs to postpone a sale date in December or at least for the first two weeks of January... in other words help postponing... (Continue reading)

The Rush for Rentals by Investors Turns Into a Run for the Exit

The Rush for Rentals by Investors Turns Into a Run for the Exit

In addition, spurned on by the Fed's QE and zero-interest-rate policy, Lord knows how many smaller companies and individual investors also jumped on the bandwagon, and as it has the tendency to do, the insanity drove up home prices at... (Continue reading)

I SAY GIVE HIM TWO ““ Ernie Banks Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom


Today, Ernie Banks was at the White House being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. It is the highest civilian honor that this country bestows, and this year was the 50th anniversary of the award,... (Continue reading)

NOW AVAILABLE: The RMBS Trust/Modification Analysis Report for Homeowners

NOW AVAILABLE: The RMBS Trust/Modification Analysis Report for Homeowners

With this report, when your servicer says they can't do something... you'll know whether what they've said is accurate or not. Imagine the power of being able to show a mediator exactly what's been done to modify the other... (Continue reading)

GUEST POST: Don’t Be Concerned Martin Is Dead Wrong, by Michael Pines

GUEST POST: Don't Be Concerned Martin Is Dead Wrong, by Michael Pines

My article was nonsense, according to Michael Pines? Well, that would certainly be disappointing, I wasn't aware that I had ever written an article that was considered nonsense by anyone. I'm not saying that everyone likes what I... (Continue reading)

Realtors & Mortgage Brokers: Toughest Year for Housing Markets Since 2010 Ahead

Realtors & Mortgage Brokers: Toughest Year for Housing Markets Since 2010 Ahead

This past September signified the fourth straight month of a decline in existing home sales, while mortgage interest rates hit two-year highs. The Mortgage Bankers Association index of mortgage activity is now at its lowest point since November of... (Continue reading)

The Discovery of Robo-Signing – Memorable Moments from the Foreclosure Crisis

The Discovery of Robo-Signing - Memorable Moments from the Foreclosure Crisis

By now the term "robo-signing" has practically become a household word. But it wasn't always that way. Just a few years ago no one had ever heard the term before. So, where did it all begin... and... (Continue reading)

The Weather In India – Memorable Moments from the Foreclosure Crisis

The Weather In India - Memorable Moments from the Foreclosure Crisis

President Obama said that all I needed to do to avoid foreclosure was get my loan modified. He said to just call my bank directly so I did. And I had the most interesting cultural experience. That... (Continue reading)

PODCAST: Saving Homes from Foreclosure in Ohio Today… with Ohio’s Former Attorney General Marc Dann

PODCAST: Saving Homes from Foreclosure in Ohio Today... with Ohio's Former Attorney General Marc Dann

Marc Dann Explains What Homeowners Need to Know About Foreclosure in Ohio... on this 12-Minute Documentary-style Video... When I visited with Marc this past year in his Cleveland offices, I interviewed him on camera in order to produce this 12-minute... (Continue reading)

Meet Thomas Cox, Esquire. A National Hero in Foreclosure Defense

Meet Thomas Cox, Esquire. A National Hero in Foreclosure Defense

Portland Maine attorney Thomas Cox is a national hero of the foreclosure crisis. Frankly, I thought everyone already knew that, but apparently not. So, if you aren't already familiar with what Tom has done and continues to do... (Continue reading)

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don't need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that's a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)

Loan Modifications: Selling Loans Means Being Sold Down the River

Loan Modifications: Selling Loans Means Being Sold Down the River

Chase sold the woman's loan to PennyMac. Simple as that. Had her modification already been made permanent, PennyMac would have had to honor the modified payment amount, but because she was only in a trial modification, Chase is... (Continue reading)

New Abuses in the Foreclosure Process Make the Dire… Dreadful

New Abuses in the Foreclosure Process Make the Dire... Dreadful

More than any other single factor, shame has made it possible for this country to lose over six million homes to foreclosure... and relative to the number of homes lost, they've been lost without a peep uttered in protest. ... (Continue reading)

When Lawyers Break the Rules… The Code of Conduct for Florida Attorneys

When Lawyers Break the Rules... The Code of Conduct for Florida Attorneys

So, what does the Florida Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct have to say about Szymoniak's representation of Mr. Figueroa, as viewed in light of the emails between the two, over that six month period when Szymoniak was Damian's lawyer... (Continue reading)

Data shows Nationstar Approves Loan Modifications at Much Lower Rate than Big Banks

Data shows Nationstar Approves Loan Modifications at Much Lower Rate than Big Banks

Look, as a business person, I do understand the impetus here. Bank of America's CEO has a fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value, and let's face it... servicing mortgages these days simply can't be worth the money involved. ... (Continue reading)

Fannie, Freddie and FHA Finally Increase Homeowners’ Ability to Modify Mortgages

Fannie, Freddie and FHA Finally Increase Homeowners' Ability to Modify Mortgages

Ladies and Gentlemen... finally... ... after five years of sheer torture... introducing a "No-Doc" loan mod. The FHFA says modified interest rates will be FIXED... terms will extend to 40 years... and some borrowers won't be required to pay... (Continue reading)

A Sword in a Field – Correlation is Not Causation

A Sword in a Field - Correlation is Not Causation

It's easy to misinterpret something about this crisis. But, it's important that we try to guard against that happening whenever possible for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is that being wrong means wasting time that... (Continue reading)

What Happens in Nevada with Foreclosures, Ends Up on Mandelman Matters

What Happens in Nevada with Foreclosures, Ends Up on Mandelman Matters

It absolutely fascinates me, for example, that the Nevada legislature, in amending the law, took the time to write in a sentence saying: "require an affidavit containing a local or toll-free telephone number at which borrowers can obtain the current... (Continue reading)

Using the California Homeowner Bill of Rights to Fight Foreclosure

Using the California Homeowner Bill of Rights to Fight Foreclosure

So... for California homeowners facing foreclosure... who know the facts and have been unable to get a resolution to their situation... there's the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. Other states are considering adopting the same sort of legislation and... (Continue reading)

PART TWO – How to Take Your Power Back When at Risk of Foreclosure

PART TWO - How to Take Your Power Back When at Risk of Foreclosure

Understand... I'm not telling you which path you should choose, but I am saying that you should choose one and then do everything in your power to achieve the goals that lie at the end of that path. Just... (Continue reading)

Alabama Slamma’ – Not for Better, Far Worse… As Foreclosures we Chart.

Alabama Slamma’ - Not for Better, Far Worse... As Foreclosures we Chart.

We seem to be having a national recovery in much of the media, but in the states themselves the numbers are refusing to cooperate. I guess if you can have a "jobless recovery," then you can probably have a... (Continue reading)

Nevada Legislature Considers Passing its Own Homeowner Bill of Rights

Nevada Legislature Considers Passing its Own Homeowner Bill of Rights

Nevada's legislature is considering adopting its own Homeowner Bill of Rights, and in fact, the bill... SB 321... has already passed the Nevada State Senate and is headed to the House.... (Continue reading)

Bill to End Foreclosure Mediation In Missouri Passes… Wake Up, Missouri

Bill to End Foreclosure Mediation In Missouri Passes... Wake Up, Missouri

Unless you believe that the foreclosure picture in this country somehow magically changed dramatically over the last month or two... you don't want to wake up one day to find out you might need mediation... only it's no longer there.... (Continue reading)

One Bank Did Right by Homeowners & Shareholders – A Story You Haven’t Heard Before

One Bank Did Right by Homeowners & Shareholders - A Story You Haven't Heard Before

There is one mortgage banker that did it right for their shareholders and borrowers. They didn't take TARP funds or any sort of tax-payer funded bailout... instead they took their losses, restructured the company, and protected their shareholders... ... (Continue reading)

Illinois Latest State to Make Foreclosing Much Harder

Illinois Latest State to Make Foreclosing Much Harder

Okay, so that's GAME OVER for the State of Illinois. Ball four... take a hike... we'll see you back here in 2014 or 2015. Take some time off, you deserve it. ... (Continue reading)

About foreclosures, our housing markets, and economic recovery… oh, and lying.

Then how in the world can we be "at the bottom," of housing price declines or starting to see ANY sort of "housing recovery" as the MORONS in the media are also reporting TODAY, after receiving your press releases?... (Continue reading)

OCC Foreclosure Review RIP – Anyone Care for Cheese With their Whine?

OCC Foreclosure Review RIP - Anyone Care for Cheese With their Whine?

All homeowners are "responsible" people. Or, to be more accurate, 99.9 percent of homeowners are responsible people. Some minuscule percentage of any group make up the small tail of the bell curve. The simple fact, and we... (Continue reading)

Katherine Porter to Make Sure Homeowners Get What Servicers Promised – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Katherine Porter to Make Sure Homeowners Get What Servicers Promised - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Back in April of this year, they were granted 180 days to get their servicing operations ready to comply with the new standards, and as of yesterday, they'll be held to the 304 new rules for addressing the needs of... (Continue reading)

It’s Official: Thanks to Former Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill… I Have Now Seen Everything.

It's Official: Thanks to Former Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill... I Have Now Seen Everything.

So, I guess I had this dream. I was watching CNBC... which, by the way, is how I knew it was a dream because I never watch CNBC... anyway, so I was watching CNBC and on comes Sanford "Sandy"... (Continue reading)

President Obama, Bored With the Foreclosure Crisis. That Explains A Lot, Actually.

President Obama, Bored With the Foreclosure Crisis. That Explains A Lot, Actually.

And now I'm supposed to come to terms with the idea that the administration's bored with the topic itself? I could understand it if they were bored with something they'd mastered, although I can't for the life of me... (Continue reading)

Things I think homeowners should know about loan modifications & HAMP-2

Things I think homeowners should know about loan modifications & HAMP-2

I'm not saying that HAMP is the best solution I could come up with, but under the circumstances, I don't see anything better... or frankly anything close as far as keeping people in homes. I end up helping a... (Continue reading)

Inside the Mind of JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon

Inside the Mind of JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon

What goes on in Jamie Dimon's head? He loses billions in a few weeks and then goes on Sunday morning talk shows looking like he's just written a cookbook or whatever, saying that he's getting tired of people hating... (Continue reading)

In the Words of Goldman Sachs CEO, Lord Blankcheck…

In the Words of Goldman Sachs CEO, Lord Blankcheck...

So, have you ever wondered what Goldman Sachs CEO is saying when the cameras aren't on, own what goes on under that highly polished dome of his? Well, I sure have. ... (Continue reading)

My Financial Recovery Plan for the Middle Class: Whistle While You Work

My Financial Recovery Plan for the Middle Class: Whistle While You Work

There's no reason to wait another day to begin building your Whislteblowing Futures Empire. It requires the smallest if investments, and the leverage involved can turn out to be off the charts... I mean, we're talking tens of thousands... (Continue reading)

What is Strategic Default? A Moral Dilemma?

What is Strategic Default? A Moral Dilemma?

What is a strategic default? These days, it occurs to me, there would be even less morality involved in the decision to walk away from a mortgage. I can't believe anyone actually feels morally obligated to a bank today.... (Continue reading)

UTAH Foreclosure Help from Mandelman Matters – START HERE

UTAH Foreclosure Help from Mandelman Matters – START HERE

I decided that I had to do more to help stop homeowners from getting ripped off, by providing the state specific information homeowners need to make the right decisions for their individual goals and circumstances. Moving forward on the... (Continue reading)

Attention Homeowners & Lawyers: AG Mortgage Settlement Launches Online Complaint Sites

Attention Homeowners & Lawyers: AG Mortgage Settlement Launches Online Complaint Sites

I for one am glad to see that this country is finally taking the foreclosure crisis seriously and that my tax dollars are being put to good use, and I really do hope that everyone take advantage of the new... (Continue reading)

Finally, Jamie Dimon and I Agree on Something

Finally, Jamie Dimon and I Agree on Something

Oh, good Lord. We're still doing this sort of thing, huh? Some guy at JPMorgan Chase in London was gambling with credit default swaps, no one was watching, and next thing you know the bank was down $2... (Continue reading)

Former NACA Home Save Counselor Says Commissions Create Complaints

Former NACA Home Save Counselor Says Commissions Create Complaints

I'm not sure why, but meeting with a "Home Save Counselor" doesn't make me feel like I'll be talking with a commissioned salesperson who will be potentially making up to $1,000 on my loan modification case? A "Home Save... (Continue reading)

White Powder in Envelopes Mailed to Wells Fargo in NYC – Idiots happy it’s not toxic

White Powder in Envelopes Mailed to Wells Fargo in NYC – Idiots happy it’s not toxic

AP reported that the powder in the envelopes caused evacuations at bank branches, but no injuries, as if that last part mattered in the least. Idiots appear to be happy that the powder was found to be cornstarch... as... (Continue reading)

Thinking Out Loud… Über-Trendy Rich New Yorkers & Ethiopian Cuisine

Thinking Out Loud… Über-Trendy Rich New Yorkers & Ethiopian Cuisine

Doesn't it just figure that in this country, where we have so much food we that throw away inconceivable amounts on an hourly basis and literally pay farmers millions of dollars not to grow stuff... that we'd have trendy intellectuals... (Continue reading)

Introducing 30 MINUTES OF TALKING – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Introducing 30 MINUTES OF TALKING - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

This week's show focuses on the Obama Administration's handling of the foreclosure and housing crisis, by examining the statements made during the press conference the administration held to announce the settlement between the 49 state attorneys general and the five... (Continue reading)

Crimes of Hubris, Ineptitude & Folly: Geithner, Summers and Obama

Crimes of Hubris, Ineptitude & Folly: Geithner, Summers and Obama

Decisions made by Larry Summers have been disastrous for this nation... that much is abundantly clear. Tim Geithner's been no peach either. Together their folly has cost our country incalculable amounts of money, but further, they have caused... (Continue reading)

Hawaii Court rules: No valid assignment means Deutsche has no standing to foreclose

Hawaii Court rules: No valid assignment means Deutsche has no standing to foreclose

Last week, Hawaii homeowners at risk of foreclosure had reason to be pleased.  Not ecstatic… not jubilant… and certainly not electrified, as other bloggers have intimated might be appropriate.  The decision is not cause for any of those emotions… there’s... (Continue reading)

MUST SEE TV: WA State Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Case Against MERS

MUST SEE TV: WA State Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Case Against MERS

The video below puts you in the courtroom to watch as both sides of the debate present oral arguments related to MERS' involvement in the foreclosure process in front of the nine justices of the Washington State Supreme Court.... (Continue reading)

You’ve got to give it up for the Spaniards… unless they’re bankers.

You’ve got to give it up for the Spaniards… unless they’re bankers.

Clearly, today's news from Spain shows that when it comes to protesting, Americans have lost some of our creativity and are simply not up for it as often as we once were. Frankly, many have expressed concern about... (Continue reading)

Max Gardner & Nye Lavalle Together in Concert – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Max Gardner & Nye Lavalle Together in Concert - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Having Nye Lavalle and Max Gardner together is a rare event. Together, they would have to be considered the founding fathers of today's foreclosure defense movement, so this is an opportunity to learn how it all began and where... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the REAR – Charles Gasparino, Fox Business Network

Bringing Up the REAR – Charles Gasparino, Fox Business Network

Also, I'm wondering something... when you say that, "foreclosures are a necessary ingredient to the housing market's recovery," how many do you figure we're going to need in order to "recover?" ... (Continue reading)

Watch this! Ireland wants the same answers we do.

Watch this! Ireland wants the same answers we do.

Ireland journalist won't give up. Why do our journalists fail to get started?... (Continue reading)

New Jersey Supreme Court’s Guillaume decision meaningless – Should foreclosure defense rethink its strategy?

New Jersey Supreme Court's Guillaume decision meaningless - Should foreclosure defense rethink its strategy?

Why is there no effort to hold the administration and member of Congress accountable for what has clearly been their failure related to the federal government's loan modification initiative? Why are we accepting such utter failure and holding them... (Continue reading)

Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris ASKS Fannie and Freddie to Stop Foreclosing

 Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris ASKS Fannie and Freddie to Stop Foreclosing

Actually, I don't even know if she can pull off that angry black woman thing, but that's exactly what we need at a time like this. You think Weezy Jefferson would be putting up with some nerdy pasty white... (Continue reading)

Mandelman on “Saving the California Dream” on Fox 11 News KTTV Los Angeles

Mandelman on

Heidi Cuda, a producer from Fox 11 News in Los Angeles produced a week long series on the foreclosure crisis for the Channel 11 news and asked to interview me. I didn't like Part 1, but Part 2 was... (Continue reading)

Economy Recovering? No, it’s not. Housing? NO. Unemployment? NO. Stock Market? NO.

Economy Recovering? No, it's not. Housing? NO. Unemployment? NO. Stock Market? NO.

So... housing is not, not, not at bottom, "“ check. Unemployment not improving "“ check. And does the stock market at 13,000 mean something to the economy? Nothing good "“ check.You might want to bookmark this page, so... (Continue reading)

Bank sues itself, wins, and then forces itself into bankruptcy to satisfy judgment

Bank sues itself, wins, and then forces itself into bankruptcy to satisfy judgment

So, why did I write this? Because it makes just as much sense as everything else that's going on in this country, and at least it made me smile. ... (Continue reading)

Best Picture Nominees Meet the Foreclosure Crisis at the 84th Annual Academy Awards

Best Picture Nominees Meet the Foreclosure Crisis at the 84th Annual Academy Awards

The foreclosure crisis is seeping into our society everywhere. Or, at least it soon will be... ... (Continue reading)

Insider Says Wells Fargo’s Independent Foreclosure Review for OCC is “a Sham”

Insider Says Wells Fargo’s Independent Foreclosure Review for OCC is “a Sham”

What follows is a podcast featuring the "whistle blower"... the anonymous independent file reviewer working for Promontory on the Wells Fargo Bank account that reached out to us because he was fed up. I verified his identity and spoke... (Continue reading)

It’s Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

It's Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Mortgage Settlement

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Mortgage Settlement

The settlement agreement is supposed to help one million households by reducing their loan balance reduced. There's no way is there enough money in this settlement to do all that much for anyone. But Obama has said it's... (Continue reading)

The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement – Yves Smith

The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement - Yves Smith

Here's the deal... I wrote a year ago when the whole AG/banker political circus started that I was not going to follow it, not going to write about it, and certainly not care about it. It was a colossal... (Continue reading)

Foreclosing on Oscar… Mandelman’s List of Best Picture nominees

Foreclosing on Oscar… Mandelman's List of Best Picture nominees

I haven't actually seen any of them, but I've gone ahead and described them, so you can see the candidates through my somewhat jaded perspective... and my list is likely a little different than the others you'll run across... I... (Continue reading)

Foreclosure Politics Here and Across the Pond – Professor David Coates on a Mandelman Matters Podcast

Foreclosure Politics Here and Across the Pond - Professor David Coates on a Mandelman Matters Podcast

This Mandelman Matters Podcast with Professor David Coates is not the same thing you've heard before, as he covers the foreclosure crisis both here in the U.S and in the UK. He also talks about the global financial crisis... (Continue reading)

Thank You Wells Fargo… Signed the DOERS of Mandelman & Field

Thank You Wells Fargo... Signed the DOERS of Mandelman & Field

Ooops, you did it again! Yes, it's true... Wells Fargo contacted Tom and Jeneane up in Granite Bay, California mid-day today to let them know that their SALE DATE of February 3, 2012 HAS BEEN POSTPONED. ... (Continue reading)

Freddie Mac’s Crimes Against Homeowners are NOT an Isolated Incident

Freddie Mac’s Crimes Against Homeowners are NOT an Isolated Incident

ProPublica is reporting that Freddie Mac has been placing "multi-billion dollar bets designed to only pay off when homeowners remain "trapped" in high interest rate loans, and that the government-owned mortgage monster began increasing such bets late in 2010, which... (Continue reading)

Bank of America Does the Wright Thing – DOERS Did It Again. JOIN US, BE A DOER!

Bank of America Does the Wright Thing - DOERS Did It Again. JOIN US, BE A DOER!

By mid-day on Tuesday, Bank of America had responded to say they were looking into it... and by 4:30 PM that same day Bank of America DID THE WRIGHT THING, and gave Mr. Dale Wright his home back... from a... (Continue reading)

Look, this just isn’t that hard… The Solutions to Pressing Problems.

Look, this just isn't that hard... The Solutions to Pressing Problems.

If Mickey Mouse is going to sign it, and Donald Duck is going to notarize it... THEN DON'T SIGN IT... because we don't need it signed. BUT... if we DO need it signed, then don't forge it and file... (Continue reading)