Posts Tagged ‘RMBS’

Underwater and Unsolvable – A Lifetime of Homeowner Mortgage Debt

Underwater and Unsolvable – A Lifetime of Homeowner Mortgage Debt

There should be no question in anyone’s mind that because our housing markets have not recovered neither has our economy. It’s not that we need jobs to improve the housing markets, it’s that we need to fix housing in... (Continue reading)

NOW YOU CAN KNOW… How Much Your Investor is Losing by Foreclosing on Your Home.

NOW YOU CAN KNOW... How Much Your Investor is Losing by Foreclosing on Your Home.

I think the entire country is under the impression that servicers foreclose because it’s in the best financial interests of the investors, and perhaps sometimes they do… but data from this trust and others I’ve looked at, to my way... (Continue reading)

NOW AVAILABLE: The RMBS Trust/Modification Analysis Report for Homeowners

NOW AVAILABLE: The RMBS Trust/Modification Analysis Report for Homeowners

With this report, when your servicer says they can’t do something… you’ll know whether what they’ve said is accurate or not. Imagine the power of being able to show a mediator exactly what’s been done to modify the other... (Continue reading)

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don’t need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that’s a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)

“Double Dipping Docket” is Just a Dumb Idea

The payment advanced to the trust by a servicer when a borrower fails to make his or her mortgage payment is simply a loan made pursuant to the contract between the servicer and the trust. The trust is only... (Continue reading)

What Makes a Mortgage a Bad Loan? Im Confused.

What Makes a Mortgage a Bad Loan?  Im Confused.

Or do we only judge a loan to be “bad” after it defaults, and because it defaults? Assuming there are NOT predatory practices involved, is a loan “good” until it defaults and then it becomes “bad.” And is... (Continue reading)

One Bank Did Right by Homeowners & Shareholders – A Story You Haven’t Heard Before

One Bank Did Right by Homeowners & Shareholders - A Story You Haven't Heard Before

There is one mortgage banker that did it right for their shareholders and borrowers. They didn’t take TARP funds or any sort of tax-payer funded bailout... instead they took their losses, restructured the company, and protected their shareholders... ... (Continue reading)

When Will the Pivotal Nature of the Foreclosure Crisis be Understood

When Will the Pivotal Nature of the Foreclosure Crisis be Understood

Once you’re underwater, however, as at least half of homeowners are today, you can’t borrow against your home’s equity, nor can you sell your home, so any of those life events are likely to hit you where you live. ... (Continue reading)

Introducing 30 MINUTES OF TALKING – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Introducing 30 MINUTES OF TALKING - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

This week's show focuses on the Obama Administration's handling of the foreclosure and housing crisis, by examining the statements made during the press conference the administration held to announce the settlement between the 49 state attorneys general and the five... (Continue reading)

An Insider’s View of an Actual RMBS Securitization at Mandelman U.

An Insider's View of an Actual RMBS Securitization at Mandelman U.

What follows below are slides from an actual presentation of a Residential Mortgage-backed Securities - RMBS/REMIC deal... but NOT the slides from a "road show" presentation to potential investors... what you're about to see are slides from an INTERNAL meeting... (Continue reading)

Credit Suisse Tells Bloomberg: Mortgage Principal Cuts Dont Help Homeowners?

Credit Suisse Tells Bloomberg: Mortgage Principal Cuts Dont Help Homeowners?

Reducing mortgage balances is a risky idea that hasn’t been shown to keep borrowers who owe more than their property’s worth in their homes, according to Credit Suisse Group AG. (CSGN). Suspending accounting rules is a risky idea that hasn’t been... (Continue reading)

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GUEST POST: Prove Fannie & Freddie Innocent Before Suing the Banks – And Here Is How

GUEST POST: Prove Fannie & Freddie Innocent Before Suing the Banks - And Here Is How

For twelve years during and after the Savings & Loan crisis (1988-2000), I led the group of business analysts at PricewaterhouseCoopers that was responsible for monitoring Ginnie Mae’s $600 billion portfolio of mortgage-backed securities. During that period, I learned... (Continue reading)

Upcoming Max Gardner Seminar: UCC’s Impact on Securitization and Foreclosure Defense

Upcoming Max Gardner Seminar: UCC's Impact on Securitization and Foreclosure Defense

Max Gardner, along with his faculty of expert guest speakers, will be delivering two specially designed in-depth sessions each one laser focused on the topic of the UCC’s impact on mortgage securitization - and each of the seminars is specifically... (Continue reading)

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS – Understanding government’s failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS - Understanding government's failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

And, to add insult to injury, our government has stood by obtuse and witless as these same banks have been permitted to lie, mislead, abuse, disrespect, malign and outright torture homeowners trying to apply for a government program funded by... (Continue reading)



Max Gardner is Coming to Las Vegas... Friday, February 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM -through- Monday, February 21, 2011 at 3:00 PM to prepare troops for OPERATION STRIKE BACK... THE BANKRUPTCY AND FORECLOSURE BOOT CAMP. I've attended Max's Boot... (Continue reading)

Alright Banker-People Thats Enough. Youre Not Making Sense and Youre Making Me Dizzy

Alright Banker-People Thats Enough.  Youre Not Making Sense and Youre Making Me Dizzy

You don’t think so? Then tell me what you think would happen if I walked into a courtroom and handed the judge a fraudulent set of documents requesting that he ignore procedures designed to protect property rights in this... (Continue reading)

NEW! Mandelman in the Morning… Podcast!

NEW! Mandelman in the Morning... Podcast!

Click on the link to tune in to the Mandelman in the Morning Podcast for September 3, 2010... ... (Continue reading)

The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve, by the way, doesn’t exist to make a profit like the commercial banks. Until 2009, the Fed paid no interest on the bank reserves and other monies it holds, and it earns interest on the Treasury... (Continue reading)

Barofskys Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Barofskys Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Taxpayer support for the financial system grew by $700 billion last year, and has now reached roughly $3.7 trillion, including TARP, Federal Reserve programs, asset guarantees and federal bank deposit insurance, among other commitments. ... (Continue reading)

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

Uh oh. Someone’s gonna’ be in big trouble… as in… Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)

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