Posts Tagged ‘U.S. Treasury’

GAO REPORT SAYS IT AGAIN: Treasury NEEDS to improve HAMP Data Analysis

GAO REPORT SAYS IT AGAIN: Treasury NEEDS to improve HAMP Data Analysis

Latest GAO Report once again has recommended that Treasury improve its capability to track and analyze data related to HAMP loan modifications. Again and again.... (Continue reading)

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SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don’t need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that’s a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)

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