Posts Tagged ‘OCC Report’

Insider Says Wells Fargo’s Independent Foreclosure Review for OCC is “a Sham”

Insider Says Wells Fargo’s Independent Foreclosure Review for OCC is “a Sham”

What follows is a podcast featuring the "whistle blower"... the anonymous independent file reviewer working for Promontory on the Wells Fargo Bank account that reached out to us because he was fed up. I verified his identity and spoke... (Continue reading)

When Auditing Foreclosures, the OCC’s Definition of the Word “Thorough” is “Hidden”

When Auditing Foreclosures, the OCC's Definition of the Word “Thorough” is “Hidden”

The findings of the independent reviews will be… sealed… closed to the public… whatever the independent reviews uncover or determine will remain a well-publicized secret. ... (Continue reading)

Foreclosures Increase 11.2% in Third Quarter over Second Quarter of 2010. And that means…

Foreclosures Increase 11.2% in Third Quarter over Second Quarter of 2010. And that means...

Oh joy! Foreclosures should be peaking next year! Well there’s something to look forward to, wouldn’t you say? Why will they be peaking next year, you may wonder? Well, I’m forecasting they based on the current... (Continue reading)

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