In Yvanova, the court didn’t say whether her claim that the trust didn't own her loan would prevail, only that a borrower now has standing to make that claim.... (Continue reading)
I think the entire country is under the impression that servicers foreclose because it’s in the best financial interests of the investors, and perhaps sometimes they do… but data from this trust and others I’ve looked at, to my way... (Continue reading)
Not only will Richard leave listeners with a level of understanding specific to the Glaski decision that would otherwise be unavailable, he’ll talk about other recent decisions in California that he says are very important to homeowners... he’ll offer guidance... (Continue reading)
Regardless of what happens going forward, perhaps this case and related decisions will lead to an increased willingness by state courts to take more care to examine the issues presented by homeowners and their lawyers, and lessen their tendency to... (Continue reading)
Jay Patterson teaches lawyers how to use the SEC Edgar database, among others, in order to find out who owns a loan. How to identify the trust a loan is in and find the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. how... (Continue reading)
What follows below are slides from an actual presentation of a Residential Mortgage-backed Securities - RMBS/REMIC deal... but NOT the slides from a "road show" presentation to potential investors... what you're about to see are slides from an INTERNAL meeting... (Continue reading)
Join me and New Jersey bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorney, Bruce Levitt as we talk about Kemp v. Countrywide, a much anticipated New Jersey Supreme Court from 2010 that really made it clear that there were some problems with the... (Continue reading)
Apparently, right before you made your idiotic comments about moral hazard, saying that principal write-downs won’t save homes, Credit Suisse had just won the bidding process and as a result bought $7.014 billion in face value RMBS from the Federal... (Continue reading)
Wake up people, we’re running out of time. We need to do better and that means we need to get smarter. And since I still have faith that our laws will prevail, we’ll be needing our nation’s lawyers... (Continue reading)
Now, clearly this is a decision that’s worth reading for one’s self… Judge Grossman is one heck of a writer and not one to play patty-cake with MERS or those of the banking persuasion, but I thought I’d at least... (Continue reading)
So, if the investors that are supposed to own the loans that are supposed to be assigned to the trusts say the notes were never assigned to them, and therefore they say they don’t have the right to foreclose… how... (Continue reading)
The bankers have blown it, and they’ve blown it big. To me it looks like there are multiple swords hanging over the heads of the too-big-to-fail crowd. They report fake earnings based on suspended accounting rules… they lie... (Continue reading)
Just in case any children are reading this, and one never knows about such things, forgery and perjury are never found on the right path to follow when attempting to cover up, flagrant and immeasurable fraud and massive malfeasance, boys... (Continue reading)
You don’t think so? Then tell me what you think would happen if I walked into a courtroom and handed the judge a fraudulent set of documents requesting that he ignore procedures designed to protect property rights in this... (Continue reading)
So, why didn’t the bankers assign the loans to the trusts? I don’t know… for sure. But I’m going to go out on a limb here and tell you it’s because they wanted to borrow against them, and... (Continue reading)