A class action law suit filed against Saxon Mortgage Services/Morgan Stanley alleged that the servicer improperly denied thousands of California homeowners loan modifications through the federal Home Affordable Modification Plan (HAMP), and as a result, some lost their homes to... (Continue reading)
I just want to point out that California homeowners should not be in any sort of hurry to follow in the footsteps of Robinson v. MERS. While I understand why many homeowners would describe this case in positive terms...... (Continue reading)
By now the term "robo-signing" has practically become a household word. But it wasn't always that way. Just a few years ago no one had ever heard the term before. So, where did it all begin... and... (Continue reading)
Portland Maine attorney Thomas Cox is a national hero of the foreclosure crisis. Frankly, I thought everyone already knew that, but apparently not. So, if you aren't already familiar with what Tom has done and continues to do... (Continue reading)
That's right, as Tom Cox fights to save his client's home from foreclosure, I ask Max Gardner to help us better understand what's going on and why... the background behind Tom's most penetrating arguments... and why it's such a specialized... (Continue reading)
So, what does the Florida Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct have to say about Szymoniak's representation of Mr. Figueroa, as viewed in light of the emails between the two, over that six month period when Szymoniak was Damian's lawyer... (Continue reading)
And I can say that, in my opinion, regardless of the outcome... AT BEST... Lynn Szymoniak handled the situation very, very poorly. And, AT WORST... her behavior was deceitful to the point of being unconscionable, and a total abdication... (Continue reading)
So, as a result of this now published decision by California's Court of Appeal, Mr. Glaski will now be allowed to return to state court to allege that his foreclosure was wrongful based on a challenge to the validity of... (Continue reading)
Known as the "statement of qualified holder," it doesn't require a lawyer to look at anything that shows the bank holds the original mortgage, but even more stunning is that it also provides lawyers with complete absolution from any wrongdoing... (Continue reading)
Is that what I'm to believe? She hid it from LPS. For SIX years. A million documents. And the whole time, LPS must have just thought she was great at getting the signatures she... (Continue reading)
What everyone continues to overlook is the impact that foreclosures continue to have on new foreclosures. We've got supposed experts yammering about how we'll have some set number of foreclosures and then we'll be through this mess. But... (Continue reading)
Tom has recently discovered a practice employed by the GSE's... Fannie and Freddie. It has to do with what we're calling "The Decoy Assignment," and it's a matter of policy. He's arguing it successfully in court.... (Continue reading)
For one thing, filing quiet title did work out well for Denise Saluto, and since I would never have predicted it happening in her case, I'm certainly not going to tell you it won't happen again in yours, because as... (Continue reading)
Zanides estimates that the bank has spent a significant amount already on legal fees and now is certain to spend a whole lot more. Patricia Martin's home is worth no more than $275,000. How can it be worth... (Continue reading)
Clearly, today's news from Spain shows that when it comes to protesting, Americans have lost some of our creativity and are simply not up for it as often as we once were. Frankly, many have expressed concern about... (Continue reading)
Why is there no effort to hold the administration and member of Congress accountable for what has clearly been their failure related to the federal government's loan modification initiative? Why are we accepting such utter failure and holding them... (Continue reading)
Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)
Senate Bill 1451 only uses PRIVATE MONEY. There is no government money involved, no subsidies, no guarantees, and no taxes. This Program utilizes a completely different structure than any current mortgage program. It includes a cash insurance... (Continue reading)
I decided that the best person to ask about what's going on with these positively inane negotiations would be a former State Attorney General, so I called Ohio's former AG, Marc Dann. Marc knows these people, he understands the... (Continue reading)
This letter was written today by attorney Thomas Cox of Portland Maine, and posted on several legal listservs. It was totally unexpected and more than moving. Tom is the lawyer whose work and depositions of GMAC's Jeffrey Stephan... (Continue reading)
Well, I caught up with Jeff after receiving a "friend request" from him on Facebook... I recognized the name right away and sent him a note asking him to join me for a podcast... and he said yes, of course.... (Continue reading)
Tom's going to share some things that are very disturbing... things he's discovered are going on behind closed doors in the mortgage banking industry... thinks you probably haven't heard about before... things we all need to know. Don't even... (Continue reading)
According to Shahien's story in HuffPo, the secret investigations were initiated in response to last year's reports, which indicated that large lenders were improperly accelerating foreclosure proceedings... or, in other words... look who just figured out that robo-signing affidavits and... (Continue reading)
Thigpen says that a large number of national banks, including Bank of America, Wells Fargo, HSBC and others repeatedly filed documents with forged signatures illegally notarized and other false information, and not only in his Register of Deeds office, but... (Continue reading)
You should all hide your faces from the people who sent you to Washington... you should all be ashamed for everything you have and haven't done. Your ignorance and insensitivity will be disdained for many years to come.... (Continue reading)