Posts Tagged ‘DOCX’

Some of Lynn Szymoniak’s Millions May Belong to Someone Else

Some of Lynn Szymoniak’s Millions May Belong to Someone Else

And I can say that, in my opinion, regardless of the outcome... AT BEST... Lynn Szymoniak handled the situation very, very poorly. And, AT WORST... her behavior was deceitful to the point of being unconscionable, and a total abdication... (Continue reading)

It’s Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

It's Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)

Wal-Mart, Bill Clinton & Now Act 885… Things I know about Arkansas?

Wal-Mart, Bill Clinton & Now Act 885… Things I know about Arkansas?

Isn’t that the 800 lb. gorilla in the room that we’re talking about here? I mean, can they provide any of those things? It certainly doesn’t seem so, unless LPS or DOCX or some foreclosure mill law firm... (Continue reading)

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