Posts Tagged ‘loan mod scammers’

Loan Modification Misinformation or Lies… I Just Can’t Take Much More of This 

Loan Modification Misinformation or Lies… I Just Can’t Take Much More of This 

It’s been six years since this crisis began, and it’s shocking how far we haven’t come as far as loan modifications are concerned. But, at this point it’s not the servicers that are causing most of the problems… it’s... (Continue reading)

California State Bar Court Lacks Fundamental Knowledge of Loan Modifications

California State Bar Court Lacks Fundamental Knowledge of Loan Modifications

Your state assembly representative and state senator needs to hear from you on this issue. You should care a great deal that you have access to legal counsel should you decide you want or need it… no matter what...... (Continue reading)

The Kings and Queens Loan Mod Scammers: Arizona & Nevada Sue Bank of America Over Loan Modification Program

The Kings and Queens Loan Mod Scammers: Arizona & Nevada Sue Bank of America Over Loan Modification Program

So, when the opportunity came up to investigate the banks as a result of things like robo-signers fraudulently signing affidavits in order to foreclose on people’s homes, came to light, Terry Goddard was one of the state attorneys general to... (Continue reading)

BRINGING UP THE REAR FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz

BRINGING UP THE REAR  FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz

If you want to get rid of the loan modification scammers, you certainly don’t reduce the number of legitimate options available to help, you let people know where they can get help… beyond calling their bank or standing in line... (Continue reading)

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