Posts Tagged ‘Robert Shiller’

Eminent Domain Part 3 with Cornell Law’s Professor Robert Hockett – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Eminent Domain Part 3 with Cornell Law's Professor Robert Hockett - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Eminent domain means taking over underwater loans and writing them down for homeowners. Professor Robert Hockett authored the plan, and is consulting with cities all over the country now considering using eminent domain to save their cities from becoming...... (Continue reading)

The Year is New… But the Housing Hype is the Same Old Thing

The Year is New… But the Housing Hype is the Same Old Thing

Is the foreclosure crisis coming to an end... not a chance. RealtyTrac latest report is utter nonsense. The year may be new, but the B.S. is all too familiar.... (Continue reading)

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