So, the mortgage industry has seen originations fall in a single year by 60-70 percent, but the housing markets are okay, in fact they’re recovering all around us every day, and prices are up. ... (Continue reading)
On any given day, the numbers of contradictory headlines about housing markets and foreclosures are enough to present a serious health risk to anyone reading them. ... (Continue reading)
We've lost more than five million homes to foreclosure since 2008, and according to all published data at the end of 2012, we've got millions more seriously delinquent or at risk... but somehow housing is defying all laws of economics... (Continue reading)
Then how in the world can we be "at the bottom," of housing price declines or starting to see ANY sort of "housing recovery" as the MORONS in the media are also reporting TODAY, after receiving your press releases?... (Continue reading)