Eminent Domain Part 3 with Cornell Law’s Professor Robert Hockett – A Mandelman Matters Podcast


Here’s Part 3 in the ongoing series with Cornell Law’s Professor Robert Hockett, the man behind the plan to use eminent domain to take over underwater mortgages and write them down for homeowners so they can stay in their homes and hopefully stop some of the communities hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis from following a path to… well, Detroit.

But, as plans go, this one is nothing if not controversial, and although there are a couple dozen cities now considering it… it’s got plenty of opposition and the fight has only just begun.

So, CLICK PLAY below and stay on the front lines of the battle over foreclosures with the plan’s author, Professor Robert Hockett on this… a Mandelman Matters Podcast.

PLAYMandelman out.  


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