So, this is what actually happened on Monday in Washington.

So, this is what actually happened on Monday in Washington.

The New York Times broke the story, hundreds followed and soon there were so many angry calls from constituents to their congressional representatives that House Republicans were forced to back down on an amendment they'd passed in a closed door... (Continue reading)

Not Surprisingly, HAMP & HARP Programs Extended Once Again

Not Surprisingly, HAMP & HARP Programs Extended Once Again

The FHFA has announced that it has extended Fannie and Freddie's participation in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) for an additional year, until the end of 2016.... (Continue reading)

The Faux Debate Over the Farcical Cliff that’s Hurting the Rest of US

The Faux Debate Over the Farcical Cliff that’s Hurting the Rest of US

I’m not the least bit worried that the Republicans and the Democrats won’t come together right before the holidays to forge some ill-conceived, witless, and entirely cowardly compromise that only kicks the proverbial can down the road even further... it... (Continue reading)

Should States Use Settlement Money for Deficits or Housing? Oh, So What and Who Cares?

Should States Use Settlement Money for Deficits or Housing?  Oh, So What and Who Cares?

When I saw the very first state make a grab for the settlement cash allegedly headed the state’s way, I laughed and vowed not to let it get to me. Mandelman Matters, after all, only writes about things that... (Continue reading)

Thankfully, FHFA & Banks Killed Homeowner Bill of Rights

Thankfully, FHFA & Banks Killed Homeowner Bill of Rights

This makes the third year in a row that the banking lobby has said a resounding no to any sort of change that's supposed to protect homeowners from abusive foreclosure practices. Why do we keep doing this? Haven't... (Continue reading)

New Jersey Supreme Court’s Guillaume decision meaningless – Should foreclosure defense rethink its strategy?

New Jersey Supreme Court's Guillaume decision meaningless - Should foreclosure defense rethink its strategy?

Why is there no effort to hold the administration and member of Congress accountable for what has clearly been their failure related to the federal government’s loan modification initiative? Why are we accepting such utter failure and holding them... (Continue reading)

Mandelman Speaks at California State Bar’s Annual Discipline Hearings

Mandelman Speaks at California State Bar's Annual Discipline Hearings

I also spoke to the members of the panel about the need for the State Bar to give more careful consideration to how it can better support the legitimate and ethical attorneys that could provide representation to homeowners in need... (Continue reading)

Geithner is Allowing Banks to Recapitalize on Backs of Homeowners, or… Games Bankers Play

Geithner is Allowing Banks to Recapitalize on Backs of Homeowners, or... Games Bankers Play

I’ll say one thing for Secretary Geithner: He’s great at distraction. He goes, “Lookie over here.” Then he points his finger towards China… and a pigeon flies out of his ass. You really have to watch this... (Continue reading)

KILL BILL: Arizona Mortgage Lender’s Association Takes Credit for Killing SB 1259

KILL BILL: Arizona Mortgage Lender’s Association Takes Credit for Killing SB 1259

Hagen went on to explain that he had lobbied “the individual that issued the strike everything amendment, which I would say would have to be Rep Nancy McClain, but I suppose it could also have something to do with Sen.... (Continue reading)

SB 729 Fails – California Homeowners Get Banked but not Kissed Once Again

SB 729 Fails - California Homeowners Get Banked but not Kissed Once Again

Tweet California Senate Bill 729 failed to pass in the Senate Banking Committee for the second time in the last two weeks.  In a related story, it seems that the rights of chickens have suffered yet another blow, with the... (Continue reading)

Wal-Mart, Bill Clinton & Now Act 885… Things I know about Arkansas?

Wal-Mart, Bill Clinton & Now Act 885… Things I know about Arkansas?

Isn’t that the 800 lb. gorilla in the room that we’re talking about here? I mean, can they provide any of those things? It certainly doesn’t seem so, unless LPS or DOCX or some foreclosure mill law firm... (Continue reading)

A Crush on Matt Taibbi and a Pox on Both Their Houses

A Crush on Matt Taibbi and a Pox on Both Their Houses

So, the strategy now seems quite clear: Our government decided to address the financial crisis and economic meltdown by handing out hundreds of millions to the wives of Wall Street executives so they could invest in student loans and commercial... (Continue reading)

House Financial Services Committee: Spending $1610 to Save a Home is Too Much – Votes to Kill HAMP

House Financial Services Committee: Spending $1610 to Save a Home is Too Much – Votes to Kill HAMP

You should all hide your faces from the people who sent you to Washington… you should all be ashamed for everything you have and haven’t done. Your ignorance and insensitivity will be disdained for many years to come.... (Continue reading)

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

But, unquestionably, the best part of Senator’s Shelby’s largely unintelligible rant, was when he threw down the “don’t fine them or there’ll be no lending” card. He draws that card like a gun, doesn’t he? He even sounds... (Continue reading)

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Even though the bill was supported by EVERYONE but the banking lobby, it was rejected 36-30 in the Assembly. Even after it was approved by the state Senate and three Assembly committees. This time… no… but thank you... (Continue reading)

A Conversation Between MANDELMAN and a Reader About New $1 Billion Fund For Unemployed Homeowners

A Conversation Between MANDELMAN and a Reader About New $1 Billion Fund For Unemployed Homeowners

Everyone knows how much I love sarcasm… or at least have come to love sarcasm writing about the foreclosure crisis… and on this article I think I might have taken my sarcasm to such a level that readers, especially those... (Continue reading)

New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

Plus, if I was at all unsure of my position on this program, the clincher was finding out that the cost of both programs is being covered by a tax on large banks and hedge funds contained in the bill.... (Continue reading)

Treasury’s Mortgage Modifications: A Failure Prolonging the Economic Crisis

Here it is. The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform published this report on February 25, 2010. And I'd say more about that, but this is one report, that speaks for itself.... (Continue reading)

BRINGING UP THE REAR FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz

BRINGING UP THE REAR  FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz

If you want to get rid of the loan modification scammers, you certainly don’t reduce the number of legitimate options available to help, you let people know where they can get help… beyond calling their bank or standing in line... (Continue reading)

RED ALERT: Mortgage Bankers Strongly Oppose New Foreclosure Bill in California – SBX8 38

RED ALERT: Mortgage Bankers Strongly Oppose New Foreclosure Bill in California - SBX8 38

I have but one thing to say to the Mortgage Bankers Association… Kush meer in toches. You can figure that one out without a Yiddish dictionary, right?... (Continue reading)

Federal Reserve Issues Directive: Regulation B’s Adverse Action Notice Applies to Loan Mod Denials

Federal Reserve Issues Directive: Regulation B’s Adverse Action Notice Applies to Loan Mod Denials

Assuming you’re an attorney or a homeowner who has lost a home and didn’t receive a letter from your slender or serrvicer explaining why you were declined for a loan modification, within thirty days of being declined, I believe the... (Continue reading)

CONTACT CONGRESS: Support Judges Modifying Mortgages NOW! Otherwise, It’s All Up to the Banks.

CONTACT CONGRESS: Support Judges Modifying Mortgages NOW! Otherwise, It's All Up to the Banks.

Click the button below NOW. There is literally NO TIME TO SPARE... You don't even need to know your representative's name. All you need to know is your own name, address, phone and zip code. The letter... (Continue reading)

CA SB 94 on Lawyers & Loan Modifications Passes Assembly… 62-10

Extending unsecured credit to homeowners that are already struggling to pay their bills, and then having to sue them in order to collect simply isn't a business model that attorneys, or anyone else for that matter, are likely to embrace.... (Continue reading)


Further, if the legislature is allowed to affect attorney compensation practices in this instance, what will they attempt to limit next? Homeowners have the right to representation before losing their homes to foreclosure. Attorneys have the right to... (Continue reading)

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Cash for Clunkers-By Math Class Flunkers

Pay $45,000 for a car worth $500, over a 3-4 day period, so that someone can buy a car that may not even be made here, and then only target those who would have likely purchased a car to replace... (Continue reading)

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CA’s Foreclosure Moratorium a Sham… We’ve Been Lied To By Our State Government

Our state government announced that the legislature had passed a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures, saying that it would give people time to obtain loan modifications and the like. But, they also knew that something like 90% of all lenders... (Continue reading)

“Mish” Shedlock: California’s 90-Day Foreclosure Moratorium Will Accomplish Nothing… Supporters Disagree.

“It’s a very righteous law,” says The Duke. “Summer’s here and Californians are tired of thinking about how their gonna’ come up with the Dead Presidents they need to stop a foreclosure. All they want is some cool... (Continue reading)

H.R. 1728: The Death of Creative Financing

Tweet H.R. 1728 passed the House by an overwhelming majority in a record three days time. Now it’s in the Senate and is widely expected to pass quickly as well. Why the rush? Is AIG planning to hand out zillions... (Continue reading)

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