Posts Tagged ‘loss sharing agreements’

FDIC Shared Loss Agreements Did NOT Pay Off Your Loan (No Matter What AZ Court Seems to Think)

FDIC Shared Loss Agreements Did NOT Pay Off Your Loan (No Matter What AZ Court Seems to Think)

It’s remarkable, if you think about it, how many people are supposedly trying to pay off your underwater mortgage once you’ve stopped making your mortgage payments. It’s like there’s a rush to pay off your mortgage once you default on... (Continue reading)

The Care Bair – FDIC’s Sheila Bair Wants Principal Reductions from Banks With Loss Sharing Agreements

 The Care Bair - FDIC's Sheila Bair Wants Principal Reductions from Banks With Loss Sharing Agreements

I know… you think not modifying those loans is punishing the homeowners for getting in over their heads… but in realty, it’s not punishing them… it’s punishing you… you are running about, commenting on blogs, advocating the kicking of your... (Continue reading)

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