Student loans are another in a long line of predatory lending, securitization scams, but this time judges are dismissing suits in which creditors can't prove ownership of the loan.... (Continue reading)
I've seen my government fail at lots of things over the years, but this failure is too important and too costly to allow it to continue. We've lost more than five million homes to-date... and recent forecasts show we're... (Continue reading)
In addition, spurned on by the Fed's QE and zero-interest-rate policy, Lord knows how many smaller companies and individual investors also jumped on the bandwagon, and as it has the tendency to do, the insanity drove up home prices at... (Continue reading)
It's not a matter of the Diunugala case being considered "binding authority," because it's not. But the question is, will other California courts consider the case persuasive... and tend to follow the more established case law. If that's... (Continue reading)
Portland Maine attorney Thomas Cox is a national hero of the foreclosure crisis. Frankly, I thought everyone already knew that, but apparently not. So, if you aren't already familiar with what Tom has done and continues to do... (Continue reading)
Here's a Guest Post by Tom Cox in response to a Deadly Clear post, "Is the Promissory Note Even Enforceable?" But the short answer is that the only thing that's deadly clear about the post is that if you try... (Continue reading)
So, now I'm going to attempt the impossible. I'm going to show you how to beat back the obstacles to saving more... by tricking yourself into saving more... painlessly. Without you feeling it at all. Seriously... you... (Continue reading)
Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don't need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that's a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)
So, what does the Florida Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct have to say about Szymoniak's representation of Mr. Figueroa, as viewed in light of the emails between the two, over that six month period when Szymoniak was Damian's lawyer... (Continue reading)
It's easy to misinterpret something about this crisis. But, it's important that we try to guard against that happening whenever possible for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is that being wrong means wasting time that... (Continue reading)
It's Bill Ashmore, President of Impac Mortgage... answering questions about the ins and outs of mortgage backed securities and the meltdown that began in 2007. ... (Continue reading)
When Countrywide had aspirations to become "Goldman Sachs on the Pacific," they recruited Michael to help them get there. They may have appeared to understand when Michael spoke of the programs he would initiate, but soon it was quite... (Continue reading)
It's perfectly understandable that many people don't know what to believe anymore, after all, what we've seen happen all around us could drive anyone a little batty. But, understand that holding onto something that's not true isn't going to... (Continue reading)
Tom has recently discovered a practice employed by the GSE's... Fannie and Freddie. It has to do with what we're calling "The Decoy Assignment," and it's a matter of policy. He's arguing it successfully in court.... (Continue reading)
This week's show focuses on the Obama Administration's handling of the foreclosure and housing crisis, by examining the statements made during the press conference the administration held to announce the settlement between the 49 state attorneys general and the five... (Continue reading)
I suppose I'll never know who was involved or what you've done to this nation by manipulating or withholding such information from Congress, from the president, from the American people and from the world. If you did any of... (Continue reading)
But, the structural problems we face have NOT changed, so I see no possibility that we aren't going to see some continued weakening in the housing market in the years ahead, and I don't care whether we're talking Phoenix, or... (Continue reading)
Join me and New Jersey bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorney, Bruce Levitt as we talk about Kemp v. Countrywide, a much anticipated New Jersey Supreme Court from 2010 that really made it clear that there were some problems with the... (Continue reading)
Why is there no effort to hold the administration and member of Congress accountable for what has clearly been their failure related to the federal government's loan modification initiative? Why are we accepting such utter failure and holding them... (Continue reading)
So... housing is not, not, not at bottom, "“ check. Unemployment not improving "“ check. And does the stock market at 13,000 mean something to the economy? Nothing good "“ check.You might want to bookmark this page, so... (Continue reading)
So, why did I write this? Because it makes just as much sense as everything else that's going on in this country, and at least it made me smile. ... (Continue reading)
Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)
Senate Bill 1451 only uses PRIVATE MONEY. There is no government money involved, no subsidies, no guarantees, and no taxes. This Program utilizes a completely different structure than any current mortgage program. It includes a cash insurance... (Continue reading)
This Mandelman Matters Podcast with Professor David Coates is not the same thing you've heard before, as he covers the foreclosure crisis both here in the U.S and in the UK. He also talks about the global financial crisis... (Continue reading)
I don't usually do this, but with Holly's permission, I've posted the three emails I received from her today. I get a lot of very flattering emails from homeowners across the country, and I appreciate them all very much...... (Continue reading)
Here's something you can't do anywhere else... listen to author Michael Hudson not only talk with me about his book, but listen to how he applies his vast knowledge of the subject matter to what's going on today in our... (Continue reading)
Max Gardner is holding one more Boot Camp this calendar year at his beautiful 160-acre farm in Western North Carolina. It's almost sold out, but there are a few seats remaining so he decided to offer them at a... (Continue reading)
In this edition you'll find: 1. Robo-signing KILLS... 2. OCC proposes credit rating duties go to banks - A real conversation with a banker-friend of mine. 3. PMI Files Bankruptcy - Regulators step in and take over yet another mortgage... (Continue reading)
I wanted to have Matt on a podcast so both homeowners and other lawyers would have an opportunity to hear his views on the crisis today, and specifically what he's seeing in the Florida courts. And sure enough, Matt... (Continue reading)
Wake up people, we're running out of time. We need to do better and that means we need to get smarter. And since I still have faith that our laws will prevail, we'll be needing our nation's lawyers... (Continue reading)
So... in "Pillage," Nomi Prins explains in terms anyone can understand that factoring in the leverage at 11:1, we're looking at a $140 TRILLION economic problem... yes, you read that correctly... that's trillion, with a 'T'... (Continue reading)
Well, perhaps it's because Sheila is now a short-timer and will be retiring from her post at the FDIC this July, that she is now feeling a little more comfortable telling the truth, even if that means disagreeing with Walsh... (Continue reading)
Debt is a status symbol... debt is a sign of success... debt is cool... you should want as much debt as you can get... being approved for more debt means you've made it. I want to be a gold... (Continue reading)
Come back to 6th Grade where I'll be teaching real 6th graders all about what the banks did to break the world. We're going to cover the Bond Market and Securitization, CDOs and CDSs... and even Synthetics and... (Continue reading)
The bankers have blown it, and they've blown it big. To me it looks like there are multiple swords hanging over the heads of the too-big-to-fail crowd. They report fake earnings based on suspended accounting rules... they lie... (Continue reading)
Can you hear me now? Is that doing it for you? The facts about California attorneys who offer to assist homeowners with loan modifications as presented in the New York Times story are just plain WRONG. ... (Continue reading)
So, why didn't the bankers assign the loans to the trusts? I don't know... for sure. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you it's because they wanted to borrow against them, and... (Continue reading)
Uh oh. Someone's gonna' be in big trouble... as in... Lucy, you got some "˜splainin' to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)
So, based on that... the only logical thing to do is securitize some non-performing loans. Of course, it's brilliant! I'm calling AIG-FP later today to see if they'll sell me a credit default swap against this crap. ... (Continue reading)