Posts Tagged ‘Senate Banking Committee’

California Bar: Disregards Attorney General’s Views, Screws Homeowners

California Bar: Disregards Attorney General's Views, Screws Homeowners

What’s even harder to understand is that the State Bar’s most recent interpretation of SB 94 completely disagrees with how California Attorney General Harris and Governor Brown interpreted the law in documents filed with the court last year when... (Continue reading)

FDIC Chair Sheila Bair Warns Senate Committee about “Millions of Infected Foreclosures”

FDIC Chair Sheila Bair Warns Senate Committee about

Well, perhaps it’s because Sheila is now a short-timer and will be retiring from her post at the FDIC this July, that she is now feeling a little more comfortable telling the truth, even if that means disagreeing with Walsh... (Continue reading)

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

But, unquestionably, the best part of Senator’s Shelby’s largely unintelligible rant, was when he threw down the “don’t fine them or there’ll be no lending” card. He draws that card like a gun, doesn’t he? He even sounds... (Continue reading)

Two Years Waiting for the New York Times to Write About Lawyers & Loan Modifications, and they Still GET IT WRONG.

Two Years Waiting for the New York Times to Write About Lawyers & Loan Modifications, and  they Still GET IT WRONG.

Can you hear me now? Is that doing it for you? The facts about California attorneys who offer to assist homeowners with loan modifications as presented in the New York Times story are just plain WRONG. ... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the Rear: Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Bringing Up the Rear: Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Now that Elizabeth Warren has been appointed to the post, albeit temporarily, support her with whatever support you can offer, Senator Dodd. Let the ones that oppose Elizabeth Warren stand naked in the light. And the American consumer….... (Continue reading)

California’s SB 1275, What’s Not to Like?

California's SB 1275, What's Not to Like?

“The confusion and errors that cost Californians their homes, are devastating to the state’s housing market, but are avoidable and we need this measure to stop further deterioration of the California housing market.” Center for Responsible Lending ... (Continue reading)

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