On this Mandelman Matters Podcast, I ask Ed about the results of his extensive research into the FHA, which he refers to as the "new sub-prime," and "the next bailout." His extensive study of the FHA's data in terms... (Continue reading)
Falling Home Prices, the Next Financial Crisis is Near, Defaulters Aren't Deadbeats After All, the Economy with Gwen Ifill and MERS has No Clothes.... (Continue reading)
So, the strategy now seems quite clear: Our government decided to address the financial crisis and economic meltdown by handing out hundreds of millions to the wives of Wall Street executives so they could invest in student loans and commercial... (Continue reading)
See, because in the old days public servants, those that worked for the government, seemed to make less money than Phil Donahue or Marlo Thomas. They didn't used to have 7,379-sq.ft. 1911 wood and stucco $25 million Greens... (Continue reading)
Come back to 6th Grade where I’ll be teaching real 6th graders all about what the banks did to break the world. We’re going to cover the Bond Market and Securitization, CDOs and CDSs… and even Synthetics and... (Continue reading)
I’m not going to attempt to write some scathing or potentially insightful commentary about Mr. Mozilo, I’m sure that’s been done many times before, and frankly… he bores me to no end. But, at the same time I felt... (Continue reading)
The Republican’s version of the report is said to be a whopping 13 pages long, and is expected to place the blame for the crisis squarely on the shoulders of poor people who wanted to buy houses, and how some... (Continue reading)
So… I have a question for my fellow Americans... and for elected representatives in Washington D.C. and state legislatures… and for that offensive, mindless twit Diana Olick on CNBC… Are we done irrationally punishing the so-called “irresponsible” people yet? ... (Continue reading)
1. Help is NOT on the Way… 2. Go see the documentary “INSIDE JOB”… if it’s not already too late. 3. One and Done… I Agree… Obama Shouldn’t Run in 2012. 4. The Government is Launching Criminal Probes Into... (Continue reading)
So, take a few minutes and write to your elected representative about this. No one else, unless you feel like it, just your person in Congress. Tell them this line of thought is unacceptable, that we want Elizabeth... (Continue reading)
1. Lehman Bros. CEO says bankruptcy wasn't Lehman's Fault. 2. Stimulus is folly. 3. Call it a depression. 4. Geithner's happy about HAMP. 5. Foreclosures breed foreclosures. 6. AZ's loan mod program won't work. ... (Continue reading)
Perhaps most notably, but least mentioned, the bill requires the credit rating agencies, Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poors, to not only be more transparent, but also potentially liable for issuing “bad ratings” on bonds. The role of the... (Continue reading)
Shiela! There you are! Where the heck have you been girl? Last I heard, Hank Paulson sent you for coffee, and you’ve been standing in Geithner’s shadow ever since. It’s about damn time, girl! ... (Continue reading)
So, based on that… the only logical thing to do is securitize some non-performing loans. Of course, it’s brilliant! I’m calling AIG-FP later today to see if they’ll sell me a credit default swap against this crap. ... (Continue reading)
"He had a choice as a leader of the financial industry. He could have led by example. Instead, he chose to follow. He became a joiner, surrendering to the spree of the financial market's virtual mob mentality that nearly brought... (Continue reading)
On Friday, March 27, 2009, the CEOs of thirteen of the country’s largest financial institutions gathered at The White House to meet with President Barack Obama. ... (Continue reading)
What happened? As the decline in housing prices began to accelerate across the country, this exposed underlying cracks in the financial system. Foreclosures began to rise, loan losses mounted, and housing prices dropped even more, creating a downward spiral not... (Continue reading)
Tweet Those are the words that were printed on a large banner that hung above the cubicles at Ameriquest Mortgage in Sacramento, California, according to an ex-employee of the now defunct sub-prime mortgage banking lender that was shut down by... (Continue reading)
He points out, for example, that when you talk about a group that borrowed too much on the assumption that housing prices would never fall and sub-prime loans presented no risk, you’re talking about the Wall street crowd. Some... (Continue reading)
We need judges to be able to write down mortgages on primary residences because the banks aren’t doing it voluntarily, the administration’s Making Home Affordable plan isn’t working, and the result continues to be millions of foreclosures that are destroying... (Continue reading)