September, 2013

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

SECURITIZATION: How our society changed when we learned to turn lead into gold.

Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don't need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that's a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)

Carpe Domum! Foreclosures destroy Richmond, California.

Carpe Domum!  Foreclosures destroy Richmond, California.

Dear Richmond... You're being outright threatened by literally ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD, and I don't think there's any question that they will, if nothing else, attempt to force you to drop the whole thing by tying you up... (Continue reading)

Loan Modifications: Selling Loans Means Being Sold Down the River

Loan Modifications: Selling Loans Means Being Sold Down the River

Chase sold the woman's loan to PennyMac. Simple as that. Had her modification already been made permanent, PennyMac would have had to honor the modified payment amount, but because she was only in a trial modification, Chase is... (Continue reading)

Hear Tom Cox Fight Foreclosure in Maine Supreme Court – Color Commentary by Max Gardner

Hear Tom Cox Fight Foreclosure in Maine Supreme Court - Color Commentary by Max Gardner

That's right, as Tom Cox fights to save his client's home from foreclosure, I ask Max Gardner to help us better understand what's going on and why... the background behind Tom's most penetrating arguments... and why it's such a specialized... (Continue reading)

New Abuses in the Foreclosure Process Make the Dire… Dreadful

New Abuses in the Foreclosure Process Make the Dire... Dreadful

More than any other single factor, shame has made it possible for this country to lose over six million homes to foreclosure... and relative to the number of homes lost, they've been lost without a peep uttered in protest. ... (Continue reading)

When Lawyers Break the Rules… The Code of Conduct for Florida Attorneys

When Lawyers Break the Rules... The Code of Conduct for Florida Attorneys

So, what does the Florida Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct have to say about Szymoniak's representation of Mr. Figueroa, as viewed in light of the emails between the two, over that six month period when Szymoniak was Damian's lawyer... (Continue reading)

Mandelman’s Top Jewish Motion Pictures of All Time!

Mandelman's Top Jewish Motion Pictures of All Time!

If you're not Jewish, you probably don't realize that Hollywood makes its movies in Jewish versions in addition to the versions they show in the theaters which are Rated G... for "Goyim."... (Continue reading)

“Double Dipping Docket” is Just a Dumb Idea

The payment advanced to the trust by a servicer when a borrower fails to make his or her mortgage payment is simply a loan made pursuant to the contract between the servicer and the trust. The trust is only... (Continue reading)

Some of Lynn Szymoniak’s Millions May Belong to Someone Else

Some of Lynn Szymoniak's Millions May Belong to Someone Else

And I can say that, in my opinion, regardless of the outcome... AT BEST... Lynn Szymoniak handled the situation very, very poorly. And, AT WORST... her behavior was deceitful to the point of being unconscionable, and a total abdication... (Continue reading)

Kindergarten Loans from SallieMae Are Here!

Kindergarten Loans from SallieMae Are Here!

SallieMae is now offering financing for the high costs of... kindergarten? It's even marketing loans available for pre-K, which I'm pretty sure we used to call, "nursery school." I never thought to ask my mother how much it... (Continue reading)

HUD Revises the Rules Related to Reverse Mortgages

HUD Revises the Rules Related to Reverse Mortgages

HUD's new rules related to reverse mortgages are just a part of those changes made in the wake of the financial crisis and resulting economic meltdown, and in fact, relative to changes made that affect other areas of mortgage finance,... (Continue reading)

Glaski Attorney Richard Antognini on the Court’s Decision and What’s Next for Mr. Glaski – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Glaski Attorney Richard Antognini on the Court's Decision and What's Next for Mr. Glaski - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Not only will Richard leave listeners with a level of understanding specific to the Glaski decision that would otherwise be unavailable, he'll talk about other recent decisions in California that he says are very important to homeowners... he'll offer guidance... (Continue reading)

Interview with Renee Gabbard, Esq: Retirement is harder for WOMEN than MEN

Interview with Renee Gabbard, Esq: Retirement is harder for WOMEN than MEN

On this 30 minute podcast, we will say the things that need to be said, candidly discussing the retirement and estate planning issues that are unique to women... and that if ignored for too long, can cause women to endure... (Continue reading)

Armor Guard’s CEO Explains Why he Guarantees Your Smart Phone Won’t Break – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Armor Guard's CEO Explains Why he Guarantees Your Smart Phone Won't Break - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

I realize that not everyone pays attention to ads, but this is one of those products you'll be glad you found. I thought I'd give everyone a chance to hear about the product from Armor Guard's CEO, Brett... (Continue reading)

I Don’t Care How Much You’re Saving for College… It’s Not Enough

I Don't Care How Much You're Saving for College... It's Not Enough

Recent estimates are that American consumers owe over $1.1 trillion in such student loan debt, and one look at the cost of college tuition makes it easy to see why. They say the average graduate is coming out of... (Continue reading)

Understanding Reverse Mortgages Matters – A Podcast with Impac’s Richard Johnson

Understanding Reverse Mortgages Matters - A Podcast with Impac's Richard Johnson

In the past, reverse mortgages were seen as something only to be used as a last resort. But, in the past we had more options for borrowing money. ... (Continue reading)

Data shows Nationstar Approves Loan Modifications at Much Lower Rate than Big Banks

Data shows Nationstar Approves Loan Modifications at Much Lower Rate than Big Banks

Look, as a business person, I do understand the impetus here. Bank of America's CEO has a fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value, and let's face it... servicing mortgages these days simply can't be worth the money involved. ... (Continue reading)