Mandelman’s Top Jewish Motion Pictures of All Time!
If you’re not Jewish, you probably don’t realize that Hollywood makes its movies in Jewish versions in addition to the versions they show in the theaters which are Rated G… for “Goyim.” It’s true. Okay, so I’m just being silly, but a lot of people do actually think that Jews control Hollywood, but if were true… how do explain Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen?
Okay, so I’m kidding… what really happened here was that a couple of weeks ago stand-up comedian Elayne Boosler recently asked her friends on Facebook, in celebration of the Jewish New Year, to come up with their favorite Jewish movie titles.
And, everyone that knows me knows how much I love a fun word game, right? Of course, right.
So, here they are, the TOP JEWISH MOTION PICTURES OF ALL TIME. I posted them on Facebook earlier and they were so well received, that I thought I’d share them with everyone else too.Â
L’Chaim y’all!
Battle of the Bris
Goys of New York
Kosher vs. Kosher
Borscht on the 4th of July
The Sounds of Money
The Klutz & I
Upper Eastside Story
A Mensch for all Seasons
A Nudnik on Elm Street
Putz Fiction
Shtup in the Afternoon
She Wore a Yellow Schmatta
Schvitzing through the Pain
Sex, Size and Feeling Verklempt
Yiddish Tambourine
Noodle Kugel Handy
Inherit the Wealth
A Fagele in the Crowd
The Dear Hocker
Desperately Seeking Chutzpah
Bagel and the Priest
The King of Kibitzing
A Kvetch of Their Own
The Greatest Schnoz on Earth
High Expectations
The Noodge Who Came to Dinner
The Quiet Yutz
Saturday Night Yontef
A Tan in All Seasons
Absent Macher
Tsuris of Endearment
Landsman of Arabia
Tushie Recall
Meshugener of 34th St.
Expense with Sensibility
Boychik in the Hood
Come Back Little Shiksa
It Takes a Ganef
Bake the Knish Slowly
Like Kreplach for Kugel
The Kvelling Fields
Lox in America
Goyim Prefer Blondes
A Nebbish to Remember
The Oy Veh! Incident
Rebbe Without a Pause
Shleppers On a Train
A Slight Case of Mishegass
Blintz of the City
Ordinary Nudniks
Old Men Shout
Never On Saturday
Married to the Mohel
What’s Wrong, Doc?
His Fee Grew in Brooklyn
The 39 Schleps
This Is Spinal Pain
To Have and Have More
That’s Strife!
The Man Who Loved Matzo
Manachem X
Mandelman out.