The Fed has unquestionably made it clear that quantitative easing is coming in for a landing, so get ready everyone. Buckle your seat belts because we’re going to experience some turmoil ahead.... (Continue reading)
I think the nice folks at the New York Times have been spending too much time at Zabars? Because I’m pretty sure it’s not a confidence deficiency… I think it’s money we’re missing… as in income, and the lack... (Continue reading)
Since then, we’ve been bubbled into financial ruin. We bought high and sold low, until our 401(k)s turned into 201(k)s, and then we doubled down on shares of, never bothering to question how the company planned to deliver... (Continue reading)
You guys all now know that this thing had about as much to do with sub-prime borrowers as World War II. Unless you can point out a sub-prime borrower who was selling synthetic CDOs in Iceland, I think we're... (Continue reading)
Okay, that’s it… I’m convinced… Ben has never actually been to a “troubled community.” Would someone in Washington D.C please take him on a tour of pretty much anywhere Southeast will do… Minnesota Avenue, Lincoln Heights, I’m sure Anacostia... (Continue reading)
Still, I’m committed to covering this subject even when doing so means that I have to start drinking at 9:30 in the morning… kidding, I’m just kidding… so, here’s the news on the FEDS and their “enforcement actions,” and I... (Continue reading)
You should all hide your faces from the people who sent you to Washington… you should all be ashamed for everything you have and haven’t done. Your ignorance and insensitivity will be disdained for many years to come.... (Continue reading)
If you miss you forecasts 11 months in a row, and by some significant margin, is it still considered forecasting, or does it become guessing? ... (Continue reading)
More than half of our country doesn’t care about the foreclosure crisis because to them, it’s just bankers acting in their own best interests by foreclosing on homes that borrowers irresponsibly bought knowing they couldn’t afford them. It’s therefore... (Continue reading)
The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I’m afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)
I want to go on record as saying that Bernanke’s QE2 has no chance of working, in the sense that it will do nothing positive in the long run, and won’t even do much in the short run to help... (Continue reading)
Now, tell the truth… I’m not saying that this is what happened next, but what if I told you that the next thing that happened was that Khast bought a handgun and shot a banker in the head, would you... (Continue reading)
It’s worth considering, for example, that in the extreme crisis of the last two years, we might have dutifully followed a president if he would have just read us a bedtime story about a rabbit and a mule a couple... (Continue reading)
Adjusted down to a rate of 267,000 annual sales was the worst month on record. That "rate," and I do love the way they report monthly numbers as an "annual sales RATE," means that 22,250 new homes were... (Continue reading)
It's amazing how different it is when you're the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, as opposed to being the retired Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ... (Continue reading)
It doesn't happen every day... far from it, perhaps... but, once in a great while you see something that really means something... something that you are unlikely to ever forget. Â This video is one of those types of things. ... (Continue reading)
In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)
Like the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, they’ve been summoned by the bankers to our nation’s capital; flying in from around the country until they hit the steps of the U.S. Capital building… when they’re transformed into lobbyists... (Continue reading)
Tweet Those are the words that were printed on a large banner that hung above the cubicles at Ameriquest Mortgage in Sacramento, California, according to an ex-employee of the now defunct sub-prime mortgage banking lender that was shut down by... (Continue reading)
1. Wells Fargo - Out of frying pan into fire. 2. Nicholas Cage Looses Home to Foreclosure and No One Bids at Auction. 3.Arizona Homeowners at Meeting on Stopping the Foreclosure. 5. Two Women Sentenced for Scamming... (Continue reading)
Okay class... if you've been keeping up with your reading assignments, then the following should be no problem for you to keep up with... but it also may cause motion sickness.... (Continue reading)
1. A Trial Period Modification is NOT a Modification 2. Mandelman’s Mandates… 3. Bernanke Blathers… 4. A Deflationary Spiral That Dreams of Being a Standstill 5. How’s the President Doing With His Whole Loan Modification Thing? 6. How About a Principal Reduction? Why yes,... (Continue reading)
So, the Federal Reserve said: “Okay, we’re sorry,” and released the information. What? It could happen. It didn’t, of course, but it could… maybe… someday. In real life, the Fed is preparing an appeal. ... (Continue reading)