Posts Tagged ‘quiet title california’

And Here’s to You Mr. & Mrs. Robinson – Will Quiet Title Hold Up in California?

And Here’s to You Mr. & Mrs. Robinson – Will Quiet Title Hold Up in California?

I just want to point out that California homeowners should not be in any sort of hurry to follow in the footsteps of Robinson v. MERS. While I understand why many homeowners would describe this case in positive terms…... (Continue reading)

CAR- California Assn. of Realtors Tries to Kill Homeowners Bill of Rights

CAR- California Assn. of Realtors Tries to Kill Homeowners Bill of Rights

Let’s let C.A.R. know that even though many of us may be losing homes today, that doesn’t make us deadbeats… it makes us strong… it makes us focused… and it makes us remember who was and who wasn’t on our... (Continue reading)

Two Weeks in the Life of Mandelman Matters

Two Weeks in the Life of Mandelman Matters

It’s hard to describe what I do when I say I help homeowners. I’m not a lawyer and I never offer anything close to legal advice. I'm not a mortgage expert either. I think my value is... (Continue reading)

California State Bar Court Lacks Fundamental Knowledge of Loan Modifications

California State Bar Court Lacks Fundamental Knowledge of Loan Modifications

Your state assembly representative and state senator needs to hear from you on this issue. You should care a great deal that you have access to legal counsel should you decide you want or need it… no matter what...... (Continue reading)

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