Posts Tagged ‘mark zanides’

DOER UPDATE: Patricia Martin v. Wells Fargo – Court Grants Injunction, Injustice on Trial Ahead

DOER UPDATE: Patricia Martin v. Wells Fargo – Court Grants Injunction, Injustice on Trial Ahead

Zanides estimates that the bank has spent a significant amount already on legal fees and now is certain to spend a whole lot more. Patricia Martin’s home is worth no more than $275,000. How can it be worth... (Continue reading)

Two Top Tier Lawyers Ready to Sue Servicers for Defrauding Homeowners

Two Top Tier Lawyers Ready to Sue Servicers for Defrauding Homeowners

It's no secret to anyone close to the crisis that homeowners in distress are routinely lied to by servicers... often homes are lost as a result of those lies... and what's even more shocking than that is how so... (Continue reading)

Foreclosure Mom’s Rap

Foreclosure Mom's Rap

Here's Foreclosure Mom's rap... nothing further need be said... watch it. And if you're going to try to get your loan modified, get a REST Report... I wouldn't even consider trying it without it. You can find out more... (Continue reading)

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Spotlight On: Mark Zanides, Attorney at Law

Tweet Mark Zanides Attorney at Law Attorney Mark Zanides is the managing partner of a firm he started to help other lawyers process and negotiate loan modification agreements with lenders and servicers.  He also takes on some number of clients... (Continue reading)

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