Posts Tagged ‘FDIC’

Ice, Ice Baby – Iceland’s people give cold shoulder to paying for acts of reckless bankers.

Ice, Ice Baby – Iceland’s people give cold shoulder to paying for acts of reckless bankers.

Now, the British and Dutch governments want their money back, but Iceland’s people are saying, well… no, not to put too fine a point on it. You might even say that the Icelanders are saying: “Hell no!” ... (Continue reading)

Federal Regulators to Bring Enforcement Actions Against Banks… May Get Rid of Hot Towels in Washroom

Federal Regulators to Bring Enforcement Actions Against Banks... May Get Rid of Hot Towels in Washroom

You know what… go to hell. How about the servicers offer “enhanced, streamlined modifications to troubled borrowers” just because it’s the right thing to do? How about the servicers do it because although they can never come close... (Continue reading)

Watch Which Words You Use With Republicans – They Could Take Their Toys and Go Home

Watch Which Words You Use With Republicans – They Could Take Their Toys and Go Home

The Republican’s version of the report is said to be a whopping 13 pages long, and is expected to place the blame for the crisis squarely on the shoulders of poor people who wanted to buy houses, and how some... (Continue reading)

Where Are Our Religious Leaders?

Where Are Our Religious Leaders?

Pardon me, but we’ve got someone in this country in charge of something called a “FOOD INSECURITY REPORT?” And Dick Fuld got $500,000,000 for bankrupting Lehman Bros. Holy Mother of God. And that brings me to the... (Continue reading)

THE SiGNiNG… Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

THE SiGNiNG... Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

So, why didn’t the bankers assign the loans to the trusts? I don’t know… for sure. But I’m going to go out on a limb here and tell you it’s because they wanted to borrow against them, and... (Continue reading)

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House Dems Tell Justice Dept, the Fed, and Comptroller of Currency: “It is time that are held accountable for their practices.”

House Dems Tell Justice Dept, the Fed, and Comptroller of Currency: “It is time that are held accountable for their practices.”

With the election now less than a month away, House Democrats have requested a formal investigation into the highly questionable foreclosure practices by the banks and servicers. According to the Times story, Speaker Pelosi said that “the excuses we... (Continue reading)

PROFILES IN BANKING: If Your Mortgage is With Wells Fargo, Watch Out … No Delays Ahead!

PROFILES IN BANKING: If Your Mortgage is With Wells Fargo, Watch Out … No Delays Ahead!

I don’t know Wells Fargo… you do whatever you want, but it looks to me like you’re losing friends in Congress and even in the White House. As are your pals, by the way. You can just go... (Continue reading)

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Treasury Designs New Federal Program to Help Stimulate Economy

Treasury Designs New Federal Program to Help Stimulate Economy

Secretary Geithner explained the program to reporters while waiting for his dessert soufflé to rise. Those in attendance said that he told the group that the program would help homeowners and get the economy back on track by removing... (Continue reading)

Podcast: Mandelman in the Morning – Labor Day

Podcast: Mandelman in the Morning - Labor Day

1. Lehman Bros. CEO says bankruptcy wasn't Lehman's Fault. 2. Stimulus is folly. 3. Call it a depression. 4. Geithner's happy about HAMP. 5. Foreclosures breed foreclosures. 6. AZ's loan mod program won't work. ... (Continue reading)

Mandelman on the News Dissector Radio Show

Mandelman on the News Dissector Radio Show

My goodness, I've been doing quite a few radio programs on the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications and the economy lately, have you noticed? I really like doing the radio show thing, it's a lot easier than writing long,... (Continue reading)

The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve, by the way, doesn’t exist to make a profit like the commercial banks. Until 2009, the Fed paid no interest on the bank reserves and other monies it holds, and it earns interest on the Treasury... (Continue reading)

Greenspan Says Housing is Nowhere Near Bottom

Greenspan Says Housing is Nowhere Near Bottom

It's amazing how different it is when you're the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, as opposed to being the retired Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ... (Continue reading)

Apparently Europeans Handle Bad News Better Than We Do

Apparently Europeans Handle Bad News Better Than We Do

Because, believe it or not, not everyone agrees with our Treasury Secretary, or our President for that matter, when they say that our economy is “on track”. In fact, many think that quite the opposite is the case, and... (Continue reading)

Barofsky’s Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Barofsky’s Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Taxpayer support for the financial system grew by $700 billion last year, and has now reached roughly $3.7 trillion, including TARP, Federal Reserve programs, asset guarantees and federal bank deposit insurance, among other commitments. ... (Continue reading)

Elizabeth Warren on the Foreclosure Crisis

Elizabeth Warren on the Foreclosure Crisis

Elizabeth Warren: "It's about respect. I believe that the American people ought to be part of the conversation about what's happening in our economy, and what's happening in Washington D.C. and what's happening on Wall Street. I truly... (Continue reading)

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Obama’s Speech Avoids Using the “N” Word…

Obama's Speech Avoids Using the

I realize that his speech the other night was intended to be more State-of-the-Union-like than a presentation of specific solutions, but I still came away feeling a bit like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis. America's banks are, in large part, insolvent.... (Continue reading)

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Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Ms. Warren should unquestionably be asked to head up this new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, bribed, begged and/or pleaded with, if need be. Without her philosophy and leadership setting the standards and tone of this new bureau as it... (Continue reading)

Once in a Great While You See Something That Means Something

It doesn't happen every day... far from it, perhaps... but, once in a great while you see something that really means something... something that you are unlikely to ever forget.  This video is one of those types of things. ... (Continue reading)

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For Bankers of Failed Financial Institutions… the Pain Is Not Over Yet

For Bankers of Failed Financial Institutions… the Pain Is Not Over Yet

Shiela! There you are! Where the heck have you been girl? Last I heard, Hank Paulson sent you for coffee, and you’ve been standing in Geithner’s shadow ever since. It’s about damn time, girl! ... (Continue reading)

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

Uh oh. Someone’s gonna’ be in big trouble… as in… Lucy, you got some â€splainin’ to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)

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15 Texas Homeowners Sue Bank of America for Abusive Practices – Don’t Mess With Texas

15 Texas Homeowners Sue Bank of America for Abusive Practices – Don't Mess With Texas

RESPA is a federal statute so I would think that this sort of thing could be happening all over the place… like in all 50 states. And it’s also worth mentioning that what Bank of America is accused of... (Continue reading)

Have a “Plunder Party” and Help Change Our World

Have a

PLUNDER - The Crime of Our Time, is a movie produced and directed by Danny Schechter, that shows what Wall Street did to destroy our economy. It's the first movie that clearly shows that what's happened over the last... (Continue reading)

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

People… we have to stop the foreclosures. They breed more foreclosures. They reduce spending and lower tax receipts. They cause increased unemployment. They cause more bonds to default. They make our banks insolvent. They... (Continue reading)

At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop – The Loan Modification Zone

At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop - The Loan Modification Zone

A homeowner wrote to me the other day, and I could tell from her emails that she had been through the ringer trying to get a loan modification. I've heard from so many thousands of homeowners that I've gotten... (Continue reading)

Books That Matter: Crisis Economics, by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm

Books That Matter: Crisis Economics, by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm

Roubini explains things I didn’t previously understand, such as the details of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s and Treasury Secretary Geithner’s response to the meltdown. Oh, I knew some of what those two had done, but not enough in terms... (Continue reading)



Why the banking lobby starts to look downright puny next to millions of American homeowners all shouting at the same time… “Congress better take note! We intend to use our VOTE!” Yep, after that the foreclosure crisis would... (Continue reading)

My Year in A-Trance: What I’ve Learned About Loan Modifications

Why the banking lobby starts to look downright puny next to millions of American homeowners all shouting at the same time… “Congress better take note! We intend to use our VOTE!” Yep, after that the foreclosure crisis would... (Continue reading)

The People of the United States v. Wall Street’s Bankers

The People of the United States v. Wall Street’s Bankers

As I’ve watched the economy deteriorate over the last two years, I have been amazed and bewildered at our government’s response, or lack thereof. And the more I’ve learned, the worse I’ve felt about our ability to fix what... (Continue reading)

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THE JURY IS IN: Obama’s Foreclosure Program Run by Morons… and Trial Modifications are the Biggest Loan Mod Scam Ever

THE JURY IS IN: Obama’s Foreclosure Program Run by Morons… and Trial Modifications are the Biggest Loan Mod Scam Ever

I don’t know about you, but 1700 out of 650,000 makes me want to believe that the 1700 were mistakes that slipped through. It makes more sense to think that the HAMP program was designed to create foreclosures… and... (Continue reading)



Okay, so does anybody have any questions about what’s going on here? Commercial real estate, a couple of trillion worth, is now circling the drain and soon we’re all going to hear that loud flushing sound we’ve all come... (Continue reading)

See, That’s What I’m Talking About – Banks are Broke & Broken

See, That’s What I’m Talking About – Banks are Broke & Broken

According to FDIC, the program was established a year ago at the height of the financial crisis, and was intended to “help thaw the freeze in bank-to-bank lending,” and it’s obviously been very effective in that regard. Mark that... (Continue reading)

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Liberal Billionaire George Soros… Major Shareholder in IndyMac/One West Bank

Liberal Billionaire George Soros… Major Shareholder in IndyMac/One West Bank

They declined to participate. Am I the only one that feels like a 5 year-old just told me he or she wasn’t going to take a bath as requested? Oh really? Get in the damn tub now…... (Continue reading)

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Former sub-prime lenders are back to profit off the mess they made. Seriously?

Former sub-prime lenders are back to profit off the mess they made. Seriously?

Apparently, they were not quite satisfied with the hundreds of millions they stole… I mean made, so they’ve launched a company that will buy distressed mortgages from banks and the government at a discount, modify the loans so that the... (Continue reading)

Goldman Sachs… You’re a Liar!

Goldman Sachs… You’re a Liar!

But, Goldman Sachs… you’re a liar. A phony. A manipulator of the rules. A company willing to mislead, misinform and malign. You cannot be trusted. And during times like these, to act in such a... (Continue reading)

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