Settle in and get ready to hear the real inside scoop on how Washington works and too often doesn't. It may cause vomiting and probably shouldn't be listened to if you have a heart condition... I'm really not sure.... (Continue reading)
What shall we tell the children, Mr. President? How can we tell them the truth? How can we tell them we’ve lost faith in America… that our government has abandoned us… that we no longer feel like a... (Continue reading)
But that was before I knew Elizabeth Warren as the TARP chief... the Harvard professor... the advocate for the middle class... the woman who was the only person in Washington D.C. who could stare down Treasury Secretary Tim "Transparency" Geithner... (Continue reading)
Most of the suits allege that the trial modification plans are contracts, and that Bank of America and every other servicer broke them by not granting permanent modifications to homeowners who made their trial payments on time and provided the... (Continue reading)
It made me sad to know what Treasury Department officials had said about the foreclosure crisis and HAMP… very, very sad. In fact, I can’t think of another time in history when my government acted as these guys have... (Continue reading)
And NPV 4.0 is what drives the PRA, which is a “deferred principal reduction program” that allows the homeowner to earn a principal reduction over a three-year timeframe by making all payments in accordance with the loan’s modified terms. According... (Continue reading)
But, I suppose as long as Geithner doesn’t make the mega-bank write down any losses in the future, everything will work out just fine and dandy. What, me worry? No chance of that. Besides, I don’t know... (Continue reading)
In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)
Why the banking lobby starts to look downright puny next to millions of American homeowners all shouting at the same time… “Congress better take note! We intend to use our VOTE!” Yep, after that the foreclosure crisis would... (Continue reading)
Recognizing that the Making Home Affordable and HAMP loan modification plan are ridiculous failures, President Obama and Secretary Geithner worked tirelessly and today announced how they've fixed the problems.... (Continue reading)
So, I bet you’re wondering how this whole thing happened. Funny story… I was actually trying to get my mortgage modified and since President Obama announced that there was now a fabulous government help-line phone number I could call,... (Continue reading)
I don’t know about you, but 1700 out of 650,000 makes me want to believe that the 1700 were mistakes that slipped through. It makes more sense to think that the HAMP program was designed to create foreclosures… and... (Continue reading)
Barr’s predominantly an academic. He taught at the University of Michigan Law School, was a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and at the Brookings Institute, and it looks like he’s co-written a couple of books with... (Continue reading)