Posts Tagged ‘republicans’

Does the GOP Want to Win the Presidency in 2016?

Does the GOP Want to Win the Presidency in 2016?

I don't believe that the GOP wants to win the upcoming election. Oh, they want to hold onto their majority in the House, but beyond that I think they like having a democrat to blame.... (Continue reading)

BRINGING UP THE REAR: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

BRINGING UP THE REAR: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

He went from being a man of the people, to being the best friend Wall Street could ever have hoped for, and for that the Republicans accuse him of being a socialist, while the left accuses him of being too... (Continue reading)

A Nation So Utterly Divided…

A Nation So Utterly Divided...

And not only are we splitting off in more directions than the London subway, but I’m afraid too many of us have started to like it that way. It’s become a badge of honor for some people. ... (Continue reading)

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Bringing Up the Rear: Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Bringing Up the Rear: Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Now that Elizabeth Warren has been appointed to the post, albeit temporarily, support her with whatever support you can offer, Senator Dodd. Let the ones that oppose Elizabeth Warren stand naked in the light. And the American consumer….... (Continue reading)

Obama’s Speech Avoids Using the “N” Word…

Obama's Speech Avoids Using the

I realize that his speech the other night was intended to be more State-of-the-Union-like than a presentation of specific solutions, but I still came away feeling a bit like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis. America's banks are, in large part, insolvent.... (Continue reading)

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New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

Plus, if I was at all unsure of my position on this program, the clincher was finding out that the cost of both programs is being covered by a tax on large banks and hedge funds contained in the bill.... (Continue reading)

Vote for South Carolina’s Alvin Greene for U.S. Senate!

Vote for South Carolina’s Alvin Greene for U.S. Senate!

Apparently, Greene was arrested in November 2009, charged with showing a pornographic Internet site to an 18-year-old female University of South Carolina student. I realize that, traditionally, senators wait until they’ve been elected to rack up their first felony... (Continue reading)

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