So, I'm certainly not going to say that the FTC shutting down a forensic loan audit scam in LA is anything but a terrific thing... one less scam is one less scam... regardless of what others are still around. ... (Continue reading)
At the California State Bar Association's 84th Annual Meeting, September 17, 2011, Susan Anderson presented what she said is the bar’s official interpretation of SB 94, precluding a lawyer from being paid for services related to a loan modification until... (Continue reading)
And, to add insult to injury, our government has stood by obtuse and witless as these same banks have been permitted to lie, mislead, abuse, disrespect, malign and outright torture homeowners trying to apply for a government program funded by... (Continue reading)
The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I’m afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)
Hey, McDevitt… you have no idea what you’re talking about most of the time, do you. Expert? Published author? As seen on television? What were you on T.V. for… oh yeah… were you one of the... (Continue reading)
“A growing list of more than a dozen state bars and the ABA have asked for changes in congressional legislation aimed at protecting consumers from financial fraud because it contains language so broad that the everyday work of lawyers in... (Continue reading)
If you want to get rid of the loan modification scammers, you certainly don’t reduce the number of legitimate options available to help, you let people know where they can get help… beyond calling their bank or standing in line... (Continue reading)
Yes, I’ve walked through this steaming pile of freshness so many times and in so many ways, that I’ve come to consider the idea that there’s something in the water that’s causing otherwise intelligent people to lose their capacity for... (Continue reading)
Why the banking lobby starts to look downright puny next to millions of American homeowners all shouting at the same time… “Congress better take note! We intend to use our VOTE!” Yep, after that the foreclosure crisis would... (Continue reading)
Look… I don’t know Christopher Diener, I’ve never met him, and I don’t know anyone who has hired his firm to help with a loan modification. But here’s what I do know… if he’s guilty of some crime, then... (Continue reading)
If the guys in Sacramento or Washington D.C. think that I view ANYTHING they’ve done to-date as being even remotely competent, let me be oh so clear… I DON’T. As far as I’m concerned, our government is functioning just... (Continue reading)
How long did it take you guys to come up with this dazzling piece of regulatory virtuosity anyway? Don’t tell me this wasn’t the first idea that came up at meeting one, because there’s no way I’m buying. ... (Continue reading)
If any private sector attorney thinks that he or she can practice autonomously, hidden away in a little box, pretending to exist under some sort of imaginary radar… and that somehow federal or state regulators are supposed to know that... (Continue reading)
HERE IT IS... Issue #2 of Mandelman's Monthly Museletter! INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE: Scammer Servicers, JPMChase Mods Begin at Home, The Servicers Pledge, Countrywide's Lying Again, Barney's Pissed, 1/10 in CA, Banker Bonuses, FTC's Hunt, Mod Performance, New... (Continue reading)
Tweet At just after 9:00 AM this morning, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), served a temporary injunction requiring Lucas Law Center in Aliso Viejo, California to cease operations until the firm appears in federal court next week to defend itself... (Continue reading)
2. And if you’re someone who works in or owns a private sector loan modification firm, whether real estate licensed or a law firm, now is the time to talk to your clients whose homes you’ve helped save about sharing... (Continue reading)
A Ms. Peggy Twohig, the Associate Director of the Division of Financial Practices at the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) was called before the committee to discuss the FTC’s efforts to protect consumers from foreclosure rescue and loan modification scams. ... (Continue reading)