Posts Tagged ‘Maiden lane II’

Bringing Up the Rear – Dale Westhoff, Credit Suisse Group AG

Bringing Up the Rear – Dale Westhoff, Credit Suisse Group AG

Apparently, right before you made your idiotic comments about moral hazard, saying that principal write-downs won’t save homes, Credit Suisse had just won the bidding process and as a result bought $7.014 billion in face value RMBS from the Federal... (Continue reading)

Credit Suisse Tells Bloomberg: “Mortgage Principal Cuts Don’t Help Homeowners?”

Credit Suisse Tells Bloomberg: “Mortgage Principal Cuts Don’t Help Homeowners?”

Reducing mortgage balances is a risky idea that hasn’t been shown to keep borrowers who owe more than their property’s worth in their homes, according to Credit Suisse Group AG. (CSGN). Suspending accounting rules is a risky idea that hasn’t been... (Continue reading)

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The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve Made a Record $47.4 Billion HELPING Housing Market in 2009?

The Federal Reserve, by the way, doesn’t exist to make a profit like the commercial banks. Until 2009, the Fed paid no interest on the bank reserves and other monies it holds, and it earns interest on the Treasury... (Continue reading)

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