Posts Tagged ‘hardest Hit States’

Should States Use Settlement Money for Deficits or Housing? Oh, So What and Who Cares?

Should States Use Settlement Money for Deficits or Housing?  Oh, So What and Who Cares?

When I saw the very first state make a grab for the settlement cash allegedly headed the state’s way, I laughed and vowed not to let it get to me. Mandelman Matters, after all, only writes about things that... (Continue reading)

Arizona Foreclosure News – More like a motivational pep talk for Realtors

Arizona Foreclosure News - More like a motivational pep talk for Realtors

RealtyTrac is so entirely full of horsey do-do that the entire organization should be lined up against a wall and shot a dawn for pedaling garbage statistics in a state still being decimated by the foreclosure crisis.... (Continue reading)

Can We All at Least Agree on This?

Can We All at Least Agree on This?

If that is going to be allowed to happen, we… and I mean WE, as in ALL OF US… should demand that we stop signing such things altogether. If a Linda Green look-a-like is going to sign a fraudulent... (Continue reading)

Arizona’s Rep. Jack Harper Says Walk Away and You’ll Pay

Arizona's Rep. Jack Harper Says Walk Away and You'll Pay

The Arizona Bankers Association has been trying to change that for years so banks could go after the homeowners for the amount of the deficiency, and finally they've found their boy in Jack Harper. Inconceivably, Harper says he will... (Continue reading)

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state’s senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it’s like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)

Legal Aid for Homeowners: Perhaps the only thing on the planet for which TARP funds CANNOT be used.

Legal Aid for Homeowners: Perhaps the only thing on the planet for which TARP funds CANNOT be used.

For some strange reason I also had it in my mind that he was the one who wouldn’t tell us what the banks did with the TARP funds… like we had no right to know what the bankers did with... (Continue reading)

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