Overall, the point I’m making is that I don’t really care that the government wants to pay Scrabble-type word games with the word “recession” or “recovery.” I don’t care how they want to screw around with the unemployment rate... (Continue reading)
In this issue: 1. Treasury reports 84% of HAMP loan mods current after 12 months. 2. Surprise, Surprise... Falling Home Values. 3. State AGs Beg Servicers for Crumbs. 4. Iowa's AG, Miller Calls B.S. 5. Banks... (Continue reading)
Oh joy! Foreclosures should be peaking next year! Well there’s something to look forward to, wouldn’t you say? Why will they be peaking next year, you may wonder? Well, I’m forecasting they based on the current... (Continue reading)
But, I suppose as long as Geithner doesn’t make the mega-bank write down any losses in the future, everything will work out just fine and dandy. What, me worry? No chance of that. Besides, I don’t know... (Continue reading)
“It’s a very righteous law,” says The Duke. “Summer’s here and Californians are tired of thinking about how their gonna’ come up with the Dead Presidents they need to stop a foreclosure. All they want is some cool... (Continue reading)