Posts Tagged ‘martin andelman ml-implode’

Bringing UP the Rear – Fannie Mae’s President and CEO, Michael J. Williams

Bringing UP the Rear – Fannie Mae’s President and CEO, Michael J. Williams

And I’ll never be able to prove this, but I’m al most positive that I could have bankrupted Fannie Mae for a lot less than $1.5 trillion, and I don’t know anything about the mortgage business. In fact, I... (Continue reading)

GUEST POST: Stop HAMP Discrimination Against the Disabled and the Elderly

GUEST POST: Stop HAMP Discrimination Against the Disabled and the Elderly

Retirees and the handicapped experience higher living expenses, including home maintenance, spiraling healthcare costs, utilities, and other expenses associated with age, disability, and/or deteriorating health. That fact progressively reduces their disposable income and ability to make mortgage payments. ... (Continue reading)

Ohio’s Former AG Marc Dann Talks Hawaii & Fighting Banks – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Ohio's Former AG Marc Dann Talks Hawaii & Fighting Banks - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

While Marc was in office he was a very vocal opponent of Wall Street, and the mortgage servicers who were... and still are... destroying his state with unnecessary and even illegal foreclosures. And since he's left office, he's defended... (Continue reading)



But, it’s hard for me to be happy without thinking about the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of fathers who while they smile through their day, are also worrying about what will happen tomorrow because they know that, despite... (Continue reading)

GUEST POST: President Obama, please don’t let them take Grandma’s house!

GUEST POST: President Obama, please don’t let them take Grandma’s house!

A Guest Post by Chicago attorney, Rick Rogers of Rogers Law Group. Rick and I met last year when we attended Max Gardner's Boot Camp in North Carolina last year; we actually shared the Riverview Cabin on Max's ranch... (Continue reading)

Please Call the White House Today for Elizabeth Warren… Here’s the Number and a Script. Please Call.

Please Call the White House Today for Elizabeth Warren... Here's the Number and a Script. Please Call.

I had the privilege of meeting Elizabeth Warren about a month ago when she was in San Diego and here are a few of the things she said to me... I wrote them down at the time so I'd have... (Continue reading)

Bank of America forecloses on un-mortgaged Florida home… that’s hardly news. Is EVERYONE missing the point here?

Bank of America forecloses on un-mortgaged Florida home… that's hardly news. Is EVERYONE missing the point here?

What the heck is going on around here? We’re now passing around a story about a stupid PR stunt by a lawyer that ended up making Bank of America look REASONABLE? Oh my God, people… listen to me... (Continue reading)

Earth to Bankers, Earth to Bankers… Your Planet is Dying, You Must Evacuate, It’s Time to Come Home.

Earth to Bankers, Earth to Bankers... Your Planet is Dying, You Must Evacuate, It's Time to Come Home.

The bankers... yes, the very same bankers who leveraged up on garbage CDOs as if housing prices would never ever go anywhere but up are now supposedly shocked and dismayed that mortgage lending volumes don't seem to be "coming back,"... (Continue reading)

MAX GARDNER from the Front Lines of the Battle… A Mandelman Matters PODCAST!

MAX GARDNER from the Front Lines of the Battle... A Mandelman Matters PODCAST!

Click the button below... and you'll hear a Mandelman Matters PODCAST... A PODCAST THAT MATTERS, if you will. From start to finish, it's unquestionably MAX GARDNER at his candid best. ... (Continue reading)

Guest Post: Max Gardner on Rep. McHenry’s Shameful Treatment of Elizabeth Warren

Guest Post: Max Gardner on Rep. McHenry's Shameful Treatment of Elizabeth Warren

And now we have Brother Patrick McHenry attacking in an outrageous fashion the one and only person in America who is trying to stand up for consumers and to protect us from the Banksters who singleâ€handedly brought about the biggest... (Continue reading)

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again…

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again...

So... in “Pillage,” Nomi Prins explains in terms anyone can understand that factoring in the leverage at 11:1, we're looking at a $140 TRILLION economic problem... yes, you read that correctly... that's trillion, with a 'T'... (Continue reading)

Marques LIVES! Homeowner wins, then loses, then WINS!

Marques LIVES!  Homeowner wins, then loses, then WINS!

Okay, so Mr. Marques is nothing if not persistent, apparently, and God bless him for that, because this time out… his third time at bat… he hits one out of the park! ... (Continue reading)

Breaking Down the Real Cause of the Foreclosure Crises

Breaking Down the Real Cause of the Foreclosure Crises

In 2014, it will be seven years since the meltdown began in the summer of 2007, and something in the neighborhood of 15 million homes will have been lost to foreclosure. And there’s no reason to believe that foreclosures... (Continue reading)

When Auditing Foreclosures, the OCC’s Definition of the Word “Thorough” is “Hidden”

When Auditing Foreclosures, the OCC's Definition of the Word “Thorough” is “Hidden”

The findings of the independent reviews will be… sealed… closed to the public… whatever the independent reviews uncover or determine will remain a well-publicized secret. ... (Continue reading)

Over There… Over There… Send The Word, We’ll Foreclose, While You’re There

Over There… Over There… Send The Word, We’ll Foreclose, While You’re There

So, what exactly is the problem here, banker-people? Don’t you have enough homeowners under consideration for a loan modification that you can foreclose on without notice that aren’t active duty military? No one, save a handful of foreclosure... (Continue reading)

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Even though the bill was supported by EVERYONE but the banking lobby, it was rejected 36-30 in the Assembly. Even after it was approved by the state Senate and three Assembly committees. This time… no… but thank you... (Continue reading)

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

Everything’s going just fine. There are no real problems with HAMP or with the servicers who are implementing HAMP. Oh sure, there have been a few challenges, but most of them have been caused by the borrowers who... (Continue reading)

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

As my readers know, I've never had guest columnists or posted what others have written, but when I read the article that follows, which was written by Max on June 1st of this year, and then found myself reading sections... (Continue reading)

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

Here it is... the first article I ever wrote for The Niche report magazine. Click the linked title below: Pigs, Puppets & People in Peril. Seems like soooo long ago... ... (Continue reading)

HEY, CHASE! YEAH, YOU… JPMORGAN CHASE! One of Your Customers Asked Me to Give You a Message…

Just to make it interesting… and fun… I’m going to do my best to really paint a picture of the situation, so the reader can feel like he or she is there… in the picture at the time of the... (Continue reading)

Mandelman Matters Presents: ARE YOU READING THIS STUFF?

Tweet Mandelman Matters Presents: ARE YOU READING THIS STUFF? What am I supposed to do?  I read constantly and it’s painful.  I figured that maybe by sharing it with you, I would know I wasn’t alone, and it would stop... (Continue reading)

Why Can’t We Answer the Question About HAMP That Could Save Taxpayers Tens of Billions?

Why Can't We Answer the Question About HAMP That Could Save Taxpayers Tens of Billions?

How about if we all write letters to our elected representatives demanding to know the answer to this question, because the answer has the very definite potential to save many billions in unnecessary taxpayer funded expenditures associated with the current... (Continue reading)



Why the banking lobby starts to look downright puny next to millions of American homeowners all shouting at the same time… “Congress better take note! We intend to use our VOTE!” Yep, after that the foreclosure crisis would... (Continue reading)

WaMu’s Top Gun Loan Officers Targeted Low-Income Minorities to Rob the Bank and the Nation

WaMu’s Top Gun Loan Officers Targeted Low-Income Minorities to Rob the Bank and the Nation

It would be one thing if the story of Tom Ramirez and Mario Loria at Washington Mutual’s Loan Processing Center was nothing more than the story of two rogue mortgage bankers who gamed the system and got away with millions... (Continue reading)

The secret NPV formula used to qualify for HAMP loan modifications that no one is allowed to know. Transparency at it’s finest.

The secret NPV formula used to qualify for HAMP loan modifications that no one is allowed to know.  Transparency at it’s finest.

If your report says you don’t qualify for HAMP, then you won’t have to go down a path that requires you to make months of trial payments only to find your home in foreclosure anyway. At least you’ll know... (Continue reading)

Treasury Buys More Time for HAMP Modifications… I’m Not Surprised

Treasury Buys More Time for HAMP Modifications… I’m Not Surprised

In other words, unless you applied for a loan modification related to an apartment building or something like that, you can’t be cancelled before the end of January.... (Continue reading)

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CONTACT CONGRESS: Support Judges Modifying Mortgages NOW! Otherwise, It’s All Up to the Banks.

CONTACT CONGRESS: Support Judges Modifying Mortgages NOW! Otherwise, It's All Up to the Banks.

Click the button below NOW. There is literally NO TIME TO SPARE... You don't even need to know your representative's name. All you need to know is your own name, address, phone and zip code. The letter... (Continue reading)

In Case You Missed the Webinar for Law Firms…

In Case You Missed the Webinar for Law Firms...

I absolutely assure you that you will not be seeing or hearing anything you've seen or heard before. It's original thinking from Mandelman Matters, and it's based on a year of in-depth research into everything related to the foreclosure... (Continue reading)

Cuomo v. Clearing House: The Most Important Supreme Court Decision for Homeowners and Our Economy In Decades

Cuomo v. Clearing House: The Most Important Supreme Court Decision for Homeowners and Our Economy In Decades

So far this year, while most Americans have seemingly been preoccupied with other things, the banking lobby has managed to have its way with every single piece of legislation our legislature has considered or ultimately passed. ... (Continue reading)

Gov. Arnold Rips the California Bar a New One: Refuses to Sign SB 641

Gov. Arnold Rips the California Bar a New One: Refuses to Sign SB 641

There’s no question now, but that the Bar is going to have to fix up their own glass house before their going to be allowed to collect dues from their members, and since they’ve been spending so much of their... (Continue reading)

SPOTLIGHT ON ARIZONA FIRM: Real Estate Consulting Services

All in all, I wanted to list REC because I've heard from quite a few people that its become hard to tell who you can trust in the Phoenix area, and when you need a loan modification, the last thing... (Continue reading)

Gov. Schwarzenegger Does the Right Thing: Signs SB 94 and Vetoes AB 764

Gov. Schwarzenegger Does the Right Thing: Signs SB 94 and Vetoes AB 764

I have to say that I was not originally in favor of SB 94's provisions on advance fees, as I saw the language and what I thought to be the original intent as being harmful to homeowners as I saw... (Continue reading)

Liberal Billionaire George Soros… Major Shareholder in IndyMac/One West Bank

Liberal Billionaire George Soros… Major Shareholder in IndyMac/One West Bank

They declined to participate. Am I the only one that feels like a 5 year-old just told me he or she wasn’t going to take a bath as requested? Oh really? Get in the damn tub now…... (Continue reading)

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Wells Fargo’s Exec Forecloses on $12 Million Malibu Beach House – Then Moves in for Summer Fun. And why not?

First of all… I’m sure the house-sitting Wells executive that hosted parties throughout the summer never invited anyone from Wells Fargo… or B of A… or Chase, IndyMac, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I’m sure most of the exec’s friends are... (Continue reading)

Hyper-Hype Over Hyperinflation

What I find most worth noticing is that this past week, the National Association for Business Economics reported that almost half the economists surveyed believed the Fed’s policy to be inflationary. Yet the fact is, not only is the... (Continue reading)

CA SB 94 on Lawyers & Loan Modifications Passes Assembly… 62-10

Extending unsecured credit to homeowners that are already struggling to pay their bills, and then having to sue them in order to collect simply isn't a business model that attorneys, or anyone else for that matter, are likely to embrace.... (Continue reading)

A Day in the Life: Four Homeowners

It was the worst of times… it was the worst of times. Okay, so go ahead… tell me your story… Homeowners #1 – The Smiths We bought our home in 2002 for $700,000. By 2005 it appraised for $1.1 million. We... (Continue reading)

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Bernanke’s Fed: The Only Decent Thing to Do Is to Deceive Us

So, the Federal Reserve said: “Okay, we’re sorry,” and released the information. What? It could happen. It didn’t, of course, but it could… maybe… someday. In real life, the Fed is preparing an appeal. ... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the Rear: ABA President Edward Yingling

Bringing Up the Rear: ABA President Edward Yingling

“It is now widely understood that the current economic situation originated primarily in the largely unregulated non-bank sector. Banks watched as mortgage brokers and others made loans to consumers that a good banker just would not make and they... (Continue reading)

CUOMO’S CROSSING – An Outsider’s Appraisal of the New HVCC Rules

Of course, today Attorney General Cuomo has crossed over to the other side and is looking to play a very different role in the foreclosure crisis. Today, he’s going after mortgage brokers, rating agencies, loan modification firms, Fannie, Freddie…... (Continue reading)

Arizona Judge Orders Wells Fargo to Testify on Loan Modification Practices

So, now a federal bankruptcy judge in Phoenix, Judge Randolph Haines, has ordered that a top Wells Fargo executive must come and testify about the bank's loan modification policies. ... (Continue reading)

Obama’s Figured Out What’s Missing in Our Economy…

What we’re apparently missing is the “spirit of innovation” and according to the president, we have to recapture it. I knew this was going to end up being our fault somehow. Okay, who was supposed to be watching... (Continue reading)

Democrats Supporting a Bill Allowing NO DOWN PAYMENT on FHA Mortgages?

HR600 is about "Seller Assisted Down Payments," which is a euphemism for a scheme that enables people who cannot save enough money to make a down payment, to qualify for FHA insured mortgages. ... (Continue reading)

Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” and the “Mud People”

Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” and the “Mud People”

Beth Jacobson says that she and fellow loan officers at Wells Fargo Bank systematically singled out blacks in and around Baltimore in order to sell them high-interest sub-prime mortgages, whether they would have qualified for prime loans or not. ... (Continue reading)

I’m Sorry Mr. President That’s Just Not Enough

I'm Sorry Mr. President That's Just Not Enough

President Barack Obama traveled to Mesa Arizona this week to tell the country about his Homeowner Affordability & Stability Plan to fix the housing market. I didn't watch his speech. I didn't listen to it on the radio. I didn't... (Continue reading)

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