Posts Tagged ‘class action lawsuit against bank of america’

Why I haven’t written about the declarations by ex-Bank of America employees.

Why I haven't written about the declarations by ex-Bank of America employees.

I’m watching a fight for millions in cash that involves banks, pissed off ex-bank employees, and class action lawyers... and I’m supposed to be able to pick out which one is telling the most truth? Isn’t that like asking... (Continue reading)

Ohio’s Former AG Marc Dann Talks Hawaii & Fighting Banks – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Ohio's Former AG Marc Dann Talks Hawaii & Fighting Banks - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

While Marc was in office he was a very vocal opponent of Wall Street, and the mortgage servicers who were... and still are... destroying his state with unnecessary and even illegal foreclosures. And since he's left office, he's defended... (Continue reading)

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