Now there are scammers masquerading as banks, offering FAKE LOAN MODIFICATIONS... and if that weren't bad enough, the fake mods require homeowners to pay thousands of dollars for nothing.... (Continue reading)
Now, as anyone will tell you... Max Gardner knows this subject like the back of his hand, and he should... he's been at it for some 30 years... before the rest of us had any idea this sort of economic... (Continue reading)
The easiest way for California lawyers to lose their licenses is to have a banking irregularity in their trust accounts. ... (Continue reading)
If you're a lawyer or real estate licensee that has been involved in helping homeowners save their homes from foreclosure over the last few years, or a homeowner struggling to understand the crisis at hand... I PROMISE... YOU DO NOT... (Continue reading)
SB 94 is simply a law written by the Senate Banking Committee to make it next to impossible for a homeowner to hire a lawyer when at risk of foreclosure. I bet the banks wish they could have passed... (Continue reading)
The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I’m afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)
Initially, I didn’t think there was any need to address Ms. Baldwin's accusations one by one because, they were either obviously untrue or just goofy. Additionally, they are the kind of things that are easily verified, so I figured why... (Continue reading)
When Obama introduced Making Home Affordable he claimed that the program would help 3-4 million homeowners, but as it turns out, the program has at best helped… and I use the term "helped" very loosely… about 170,000 homeowners to-date. ... (Continue reading)
Oh for Christ’s sake Miller, don’t you have anything better to do than to scare people out of hiring a lawyer when at risk of losing their home? Because that’s all this kind of crap is accomplishing, don’t you... (Continue reading)
In the press release issued by the State Bar on Friday, Weiner said that the lawyers listed have “allegedly taken fees for promised services and then failed to perform those services, communicate with their clients or return the unearned fees.”... (Continue reading)