Posts Tagged ‘citibank’

BoA’s Bad Bank – Pay No Attention to the 6.7 Million Loans Behind the Curtain

BoA's Bad Bank - Pay No Attention to the 6.7 Million Loans Behind the Curtain

See, these are the kinds of things that make me afraid of the world around me… like, now I don’t want to even leave my house. Does stuff like this work on “investors?” What… are the “investors” he... (Continue reading)

The Psychology and Politics of Foreclosure

The Psychology and Politics of Foreclosure

Of course, there are times when more stuff happens to more people, and today is obviously an example of such times. The economic conditions that we're experiencing today are causing more foreclosures than at any time since the 1930s. When... (Continue reading)

In Re Walker, Part Deux – March 3rd, 2011, may just be a HUGE day for California Homeowners

In Re Walker, Part Deux – March 3rd, 2011, may just be a HUGE day for California Homeowners

So, Citi’s lawyers filed a new proof of claim… and Ricki Walker’s attorney, Mitchell Abdallah, filed a new objection, so Judge Sargis will once again have a chance to uphold the rule of law and change the playing field for... (Continue reading)

Guest Post: Principal Reduction Modification Math, by Rick Rogers, JD/MBA

Guest Post: Principal Reduction Modification Math, by Rick Rogers, JD/MBA

This report will compare the Net Present Value (NPV), of standard Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), modifications with Principal Reduction Alternative HAMP (PRA HAMP) modifications. If the mortgage principal balance on a home exceeds 115% of its market value,... (Continue reading)

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state’s senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it’s like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

Now, clearly this is a decision that’s worth reading for one’s self… Judge Grossman is one heck of a writer and not one to play patty-cake with MERS or those of the banking persuasion, but I thought I’d at least... (Continue reading)

CalHFA’s $2 Billion Home Rescue Program… Here’s How Stupid They Think We Are.

CalHFA's $2 Billion Home Rescue Program... Here's How Stupid They Think We Are.

You see, it’s a very well thought out no-lose proposition, this new California foreclosure rescue program… because if the banks refuse to participate in it, which would kill the whole principal reduction aspect of the plan, it’s really not a... (Continue reading)

Tomorrow, February 3rd, is Call Your Attorney General Day to Get Tough on Foreclosure Fraud!

Tomorrow, February 3rd, is Call Your Attorney General Day to Get Tough on Foreclosure Fraud!

Tomorrow is call your Attorney General Day nationwide. I need you to take action here... it's time to be heard. The foreclosure crisis must be stopped and servicers must be held accountable for their crimes.... (Continue reading)

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

More than half of our country doesn’t care about the foreclosure crisis because to them, it’s just bankers acting in their own best interests by foreclosing on homes that borrowers irresponsibly bought knowing they couldn’t afford them. It’s therefore... (Continue reading)

Who’s Winning Here? The Foreclosure Crisis – A Slide Show

Who's Winning Here?  The Foreclosure Crisis - A Slide Show

Facing Change: Documenting America is a non-profit collective of dedicated photojournalists and writers coming together to explore America and to build a forum to chart its future. Mobilizing to document the critical issues facing America, FCDA teams will create a... (Continue reading)

How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam… The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

 How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam... The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I’m afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers” (You go, Your Honor.)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers”  (You go, Your Honor.)

Now, tell the truth… I’m not saying that this is what happened next, but what if I told you that the next thing that happened was that Khast bought a handgun and shot a banker in the head, would you... (Continue reading)

Alright Banker-People… That’s Enough. You’re Not Making Sense and You’re Making Me Dizzy

Alright Banker-People… That’s Enough.  You’re Not Making Sense and You’re Making Me Dizzy

You don’t think so? Then tell me what you think would happen if I walked into a courtroom and handed the judge a fraudulent set of documents requesting that he ignore procedures designed to protect property rights in this... (Continue reading)

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

It made me sad to know what Treasury Department officials had said about the foreclosure crisis and HAMP… very, very sad. In fact, I can’t think of another time in history when my government acted as these guys have... (Continue reading)

California Court Rules: MERS Can’t Foreclose, Citibank Can’t Collect

California Court Rules: MERS Can’t Foreclose, Citibank Can’t Collect

This decision means that if a foreclosing party in California, that is not the original lender, claims that payment is due under the note, and that they have the right to foreclose on the basis of a MERS assignment, they’re... (Continue reading)

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

Everything’s going just fine. There are no real problems with HAMP or with the servicers who are implementing HAMP. Oh sure, there have been a few challenges, but most of them have been caused by the borrowers who... (Continue reading)

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

Here it is... the first article I ever wrote for The Niche report magazine. Click the linked title below: Pigs, Puppets & People in Peril. Seems like soooo long ago... ... (Continue reading)

We Are On the Brink of a New Age of Rage

We Are On the Brink of a New Age of Rage

I’m also fearful that we’ve become a nation of people that doesn’t believe in our democracy anymore. A nation of people who will wait for things to happen to them, rather than trying to change what happens to them.... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the Rear: President Barack Obama

Bringing Up the Rear: President Barack Obama

Guys… we have problems, big problems… problems that President Obama hasn’t even commented on publicly since last February! Not even a comment, Mr. President? What are you thinking? And please don’t say “health care reform,’ because I... (Continue reading)

First Premier Bank Credit Cards… Now at 79.9% Interest!

First Premier Bank Credit Cards… Now at 79.9% Interest!

Yes folks, it’s true… the banking lobby strikes yet again. No limit on interest rates charged by credit cards. It’s funny too, because I could have sworn there was a cap of 390% voted in, but maybe I... (Continue reading)

Lies and Damn Lies About Getting a Loan Modification

Lies and Damn Lies About Getting a Loan Modification

Months ago we weren’t sure of many of these things and so you could say just about anything related to the loan mod process and no one could call you on it. Now the jury has come in. Guess you’ll... (Continue reading)

So, It Wasn’t the Subprimers After All… What Do You Know About That?

So, It Wasn't the Subprimers After All... What Do You Know About That?

Sub-prime borrowers hate moving… especially their refrigerators. They can't afford fancy moving companies who come pack everything up and unpack it at the next homestead. They call friends like me who are stupid enough to always own a truck. The... (Continue reading)

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