Don't make this more complicated than it need be. If you came and repossessed my car but were NOT the person or entity holding my pink slip, then we had a phrase to describe that occurrence as well ...... (Continue reading)
What's changed is this country. It's not at all the same as it's been throughout my lifetime, in fact it's very different in quite a few substantive ways... do you feel it too, or is it just me? ... (Continue reading)
How can ANYONE support today's Republicans in the House of Representatives or United States Senate? How can they think anyone will after seeing their behavior related to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ("CFPB")? ... (Continue reading)
And now we have Brother Patrick McHenry attacking in an outrageous fashion the one and only person in America who is trying to stand up for consumers and to protect us from the Banksters who single"handedly brought about the biggest... (Continue reading)
So... in "Pillage," Nomi Prins explains in terms anyone can understand that factoring in the leverage at 11:1, we're looking at a $140 TRILLION economic problem... yes, you read that correctly... that's trillion, with a 'T'... (Continue reading)
Okay, so Mr. Marques is nothing if not persistent, apparently, and God bless him for that, because this time out... his third time at bat... he hits one out of the park! ... (Continue reading)
Today, she writes a Republican conservative blog on And she's found Mandelman Matters and joined the group of Americans who know the foreclosure crisis must be stopped. ... (Continue reading)
In 2014, it will be seven years since the meltdown began in the summer of 2007, and something in the neighborhood of 15 million homes will have been lost to foreclosure. And there's no reason to believe that foreclosures... (Continue reading)
The findings of the independent reviews will be... sealed... closed to the public... whatever the independent reviews uncover or determine will remain a well-publicized secret. ... (Continue reading)
Hagen went on to explain that he had lobbied "the individual that issued the strike everything amendment, which I would say would have to be Rep Nancy McClain, but I suppose it could also have something to do with Sen.... (Continue reading)
According to Shahien's story in HuffPo, the secret investigations were initiated in response to last year's reports, which indicated that large lenders were improperly accelerating foreclosure proceedings... or, in other words... look who just figured out that robo-signing affidavits and... (Continue reading)
So, what exactly is the problem here, banker-people? Don't you have enough homeowners under consideration for a loan modification that you can foreclose on without notice that aren't active duty military? No one, save a handful of foreclosure... (Continue reading)
Well, perhaps it's because Sheila is now a short-timer and will be retiring from her post at the FDIC this July, that she is now feeling a little more comfortable telling the truth, even if that means disagreeing with Walsh... (Continue reading)
Spolier Alert: Rep. Seel, who wonder of wonders... serves on the... wait for it... BANKING AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE... DENIES that his $100,000 principal reduction had anything to do with his decision to run late that day and not propose the... (Continue reading)
Why did you become a reporter, Carolyn? Because if it was to write about events such as these in the style and tone of your article, then I'd suggest you consider looking for a copywriting gig at an ad agency.... (Continue reading)
I know... you think not modifying those loans is punishing the homeowners for getting in over their heads... but in realty, it's not punishing them... it's punishing you... you are running about, commenting on blogs, advocating the kicking of your... (Continue reading)
Bank of America bought Countrywide for $4 billion and change. That sounds funny to me now. You've got to admit it. The idea that someone would PAY money for Countywide has to make you giggle at least... (Continue reading)
In this issue: 1. Treasury reports 84% of HAMP loan mods current after 12 months. 2. Surprise, Surprise... Falling Home Values. 3. State AGs Beg Servicers for Crumbs. 4. Iowa's AG, Miller Calls B.S. 5. Banks... (Continue reading)
Personally, I'm holding out for the U.S. Post Office's study of mortgage servicer performance, which I hear is going to be followed up by a scathing report being issued by the Bureau of Land Management in conjunction with the Department... (Continue reading)
Thigpen says that a large number of national banks, including Bank of America, Wells Fargo, HSBC and others repeatedly filed documents with forged signatures illegally notarized and other false information, and not only in his Register of Deeds office, but... (Continue reading)
California Senate Bill 729 failed to pass in the Senate Banking Committee for the second time in the last two weeks. In a related story, it seems that the rights of chickens have suffered yet another blow, with the Chicken... (Continue reading)
The new law makes mediation prior to foreclosure MANDATORY if requested by the borrower, and requires mortgage servicers attempting to foreclose to submit to the mediation board, 14 days prior to mediation, proof that the chain of title is intact,... (Continue reading)
My heartfelt thanks goes out to Rep. Herkes and Sen. Baker... the people of Hawaii are very lucky to have you serving in their state's legislature. My sincere hope is that you will be recognized for your work so... (Continue reading)
Isn't that the 800 lb. gorilla in the room that we're talking about here? I mean, can they provide any of those things? It certainly doesn't seem so, unless LPS or DOCX or some foreclosure mill law firm... (Continue reading)
Debt is a status symbol... debt is a sign of success... debt is cool... you should want as much debt as you can get... being approved for more debt means you've made it. I want to be a gold... (Continue reading)
It's official! Just hours ago, the Great State of Hawaii's legislature has passed the nation's toughest foreclosure prevention bill, SB 651. The bill proved to have overwhelming support, with the senate voting to pass the bill, 23 to... (Continue reading)
But then... the people in Arizona... well, they don't have Brudda IZ... now do they? Click play... turn up your speakers... close your eyes... and pray for SB 651 to pass tomorrow. Amen.... (Continue reading)
The dialog about the foreclosure crisis began when FACE member ministers began talking openly about there being no dignity for the families trying to save their homes from foreclosure by the mainland banks. That's what motivated FACE to get... (Continue reading)