Student loans are another in a long line of predatory lending, securitization scams, but this time judges are dismissing suits in which creditors can't prove ownership of the loan.... (Continue reading)
Shelter Growth Capital Partners, founded by ex-Goldman execs, buy foreclosed homes on the cheap and re-sell them for tens of thousands more at 10% interest rates. From the people who brought you the foreclosure crisis... get ready for the... (Continue reading)
So, if Wells Fargo was now willing to allow Arthur to sell the home he'd built and lived in since 1988 for $375,000... why not sell the home to Arthur for $375,000, and Arthur would use a reverse mortgage for... (Continue reading)
Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don't need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that's a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)
And I can say that, in my opinion, regardless of the outcome... AT BEST... Lynn Szymoniak handled the situation very, very poorly. And, AT WORST... her behavior was deceitful to the point of being unconscionable, and a total abdication... (Continue reading)
SallieMae is now offering financing for the high costs of... kindergarten? It's even marketing loans available for pre-K, which I'm pretty sure we used to call, "nursery school." I never thought to ask my mother how much it... (Continue reading)
Or do we only judge a loan to be "bad" after it defaults, and because it defaults? Assuming there are NOT predatory practices involved, is a loan "good" until it defaults and then it becomes "bad." And is... (Continue reading)
Praise the Lord, and please pass the foreclosures, right? We need to get through the foreclosures... clear the market... let it hit bottom... isn't that what Mitt Romney, Rick Santelli, House Republicans, quite a few Democrats too... and a... (Continue reading)
You're a liar, Wells Fargo. Either you knew you weren't going to approve their loan modification, or you're the most incompetent financial institution in the history of the world. And you don't just do this sometimes, you do... (Continue reading)
Zanides estimates that the bank has spent a significant amount already on legal fees and now is certain to spend a whole lot more. Patricia Martin's home is worth no more than $275,000. How can it be worth... (Continue reading)
Now, when right in front of our eyes, the banking lobby is pushing to make the only federal agency whose role is to protect consumers entirely toothless, once again we're failing to make our voices heard. I know this... (Continue reading)
Here's something you can't do anywhere else... listen to author Michael Hudson not only talk with me about his book, but listen to how he applies his vast knowledge of the subject matter to what's going on today in our... (Continue reading)
... Faster than a NINJA loan originating at Wamu... More powerful than an unlimited warehouse line at Lehman Bros... able to see swaps and synthetics even when inside an SPE... Look, up in the sky... It's a bird... It's a... (Continue reading)
I'm not going to attempt to write some scathing or potentially insightful commentary about Mr. Mozilo, I'm sure that's been done many times before, and frankly... he bores me to no end. But, at the same time I felt... (Continue reading)
I didn't realize it was liberal to want to see someone put a stop to the kind of abusive lending behavior that has stripped the middle class of just about everything they had. I guess conservatives are now the... (Continue reading)
Actually, Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver are the two guys behind and in front of the camera on Short Sale Power Hour, an Internet video show that airs every day online, 5 days a week. They're smart and funny... (Continue reading)
So far this year, while most Americans have seemingly been preoccupied with other things, the banking lobby has managed to have its way with every single piece of legislation our legislature has considered or ultimately passed. ... (Continue reading)