Posts Tagged ‘Phillip Swagel’

View from Inside the Financial Crisis with Former Treasury Chief Economist Phillip Swagel – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

View from Inside the Financial Crisis with Former Treasury Chief Economist Phillip Swagel - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Here's your first chance to listen to Phillip Swagel on a Mandelman Matters Podcast... he'll be back again... but you don't want to miss this one because we won't be going backward in time, so click PLAY below and listen... (Continue reading)

WaMu and We Don’t Lose Deals to Income!

WaMu and We Don’t Lose Deals to Income!

Tweet Those are the words that were printed on a large banner that hung above the cubicles at Ameriquest Mortgage in Sacramento, California, according to an ex-employee of the now defunct sub-prime mortgage banking lender that was shut down by... (Continue reading)

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