Posts Tagged ‘MARS Final Rule’

Finally, Florida & Connecticut AGs Shut Down Mass Joinder Lawsuit Scams

Finally, Florida & Connecticut AGs Shut Down Mass Joinder Lawsuit Scams

The real danger of mass joinder lawsuit scams is that the homeowners wouldn’t find out for several years that they’d been scammed, when finally a court dismissed their suits, and they were harder for authorities to police and shut down... (Continue reading)

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS – Understanding government’s failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS - Understanding government's failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

And, to add insult to injury, our government has stood by obtuse and witless as these same banks have been permitted to lie, mislead, abuse, disrespect, malign and outright torture homeowners trying to apply for a government program funded by... (Continue reading)

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