December, 2012

Now this is Ping Pong at its Absolute Best…

Now this is Ping Pong at its Absolute Best...

Enjoy Table Tennis Daily's Christmas Edition of The Best Table Tennis Shots of 2012! And really... closely watch the whole thing... it's really worth it. Unbelievable! ... (Continue reading)

Recovery? Ho, Ho, Holiday Sales Tell the Tale

Recovery?  Ho, Ho, Holiday Sales Tell the Tale

I'm just so relieved that none of this dismal economic news was caused by the respective economies being in deep recession led by unreported worsening unemployment and pretend housing market recoveries. Because if those things were the cause, why... (Continue reading)

In Case You’re of a Mind to Help…

In Case You're of a Mind to Help...

If you're a homeowner who would be interviewed about your specific experience saving your home from foreclosure, or if you have clients you've helped avoid foreclosure and they are okay with me calling to record an interview with them, let... (Continue reading)

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas 2012 – A Political Year-in-Review

'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2012 - A Political Year-in-Review

It my annual political year-in-review, read to the poem, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Read it yourself, or click 'PLAY' and I'll read it for you.... (Continue reading)

The Quiet Crisis, Part 1. A Foreclosure Bluesical by Mandelman Matters

The Quiet Crisis, Part 1.  A Foreclosure Bluesical by Mandelman Matters

Over time, I hoped, as people came to understand what had actually happened, they would let themselves off the proverbial hook, and once not bound by shame, they would speak out and when in great enough number, our leaders would... (Continue reading)

A 10 POINT SCANDAL – CA State Bar Exec Director Dunn Should Resign

A 10 POINT SCANDAL - CA State Bar Exec Director Dunn Should Resign

Beginning in the fall of 2011, and increasing in speed and ferocity after January 1, 2012, the State Bar begins using its newly concocted interpretation of SB 94 as a hammer to threaten and strong-arm lawyers who have received a... (Continue reading)

Attorney Bruce Levitt on Saving Homes from Foreclosure in New Jersey – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Attorney Bruce Levitt on Saving Homes from Foreclosure in New Jersey - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

New Jersey foreclosure defense attorney Bruce Levitt on this Mandelman Matters Podcast tells you what's working and what's not... and how he thinks you are most likely to save your New Jersey home from foreclosure.... (Continue reading)

I never knew joy, anger or sadness until I became a parent – Thoughts following Sandy Hook

I never knew joy, anger or sadness until I became a parent - Thoughts following Sandy Hook

I pray for the parents of the children that were senselessly taken away on Friday... I pray that those that have other children at home find some way to go on. For a parent who lost their only child... (Continue reading)

Colorado Failing… Foreclosures By Wink, Nod or Text Message

Colorado Failing... Foreclosures By Wink, Nod or Text Message

Known as the "statement of qualified holder," it doesn't require a lawyer to look at anything that shows the bank holds the original mortgage, but even more stunning is that it also provides lawyers with complete absolution from any wrongdoing... (Continue reading)

We’re Just Not Going to Fix the Foreclosure Crisis in Court

We're Just Not Going to Fix the Foreclosure Crisis in Court

In all but a very small number of cases, homeowners have continued to find the courts either unwilling or incapable of dispensing what they would consider fair and just solutions, and while the federal government has remained essentially mute on... (Continue reading)

Homeowners: Start Your Emails… This is Your Chance for $50 Billion Principal Reductions

Homeowners: Start Your Emails... This is Your Chance for $50 Billion Principal Reductions

Please take this chance to make your voice heard, and tell everyone you know whose home is underwater they should do the same. We screamed our heads off about AIG bonuses, both in the streets and in the tens... (Continue reading)

BYE-BYE DEMARCO! Obama to Replace Director of FHFA

BYE-BYE DEMARCO!  Obama to Replace Director of FHFA

The mortgage market is not just dominated by the government, the mortgage market is the government, and that's not just here in the US, it's everywhere. Governments are the lenders of ONLY resort. ... (Continue reading)

California Bar: Disregards Attorney General’s Views, Screws Homeowners

California Bar: Disregards Attorney General's Views, Screws Homeowners

What's even harder to understand is that the State Bar's most recent interpretation of SB 94 completely disagrees with how California Attorney General Harris and Governor Brown interpreted the law in documents filed with the court last year when... (Continue reading)

The Faux Debate Over the Farcical Cliff that’s Hurting the Rest of US

The Faux Debate Over the Farcical Cliff that’s Hurting the Rest of US

I'm not the least bit worried that the Republicans and the Democrats won't come together right before the holidays to forge some ill-conceived, witless, and entirely cowardly compromise that only kicks the proverbial can down the road even further... it... (Continue reading)

California State Bar RECENT Decision to Cause More Harm to Homeowners in Foreclosure

California State Bar RECENT Decision to Cause More Harm to Homeowners in Foreclosure

The recent decision by the state bar court now effectively prohibits the charging of fees by lawyers even AFTER services have been completed. Yes, you read that correctly... lawyers can't take advance fees, nor can they be paid after... (Continue reading)