June, 2010



This month in Mandelman's Monthly Museletter: 1. Oregon Woman Accuses Vice President Al Gore of Sexual Misconduct in 2006. 2. Fear Deflation, Pray for Inflation. 3. The latest from Nobel Prize Winning Economist, Paul Krugman. 4. HAMP's UP Program... (Continue reading)

New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

New Legislation to Offer $1 Billion in Federal Loans to Help Unemployed Homeowners Pay Mortgages

Plus, if I was at all unsure of my position on this program, the clincher was finding out that the cost of both programs is being covered by a tax on large banks and hedge funds contained in the bill.... (Continue reading)

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)

Vote for South Carolina’s Alvin Greene for U.S. Senate!

Vote for South Carolina’s Alvin Greene for U.S. Senate!

Apparently, Greene was arrested in November 2009, charged with showing a pornographic Internet site to an 18-year-old female University of South Carolina student. I realize that, traditionally, senators wait until they've been elected to rack up their first felony... (Continue reading)



Yes, you read that right. NCLC, et al, are suing the banks over the travesty that is HAMP. We've all been waiting for this day for a long time now, and it finally arrived. So, don't rush... (Continue reading)

Optimism is Hard Thing of Which to Let Go – The Car Sales Recovery Surprise

Optimism is Hard Thing of Which to Let Go – The Car Sales Recovery Surprise

Tell you what WSJ people... next time feel free to call me on stuff like that. I don't depend on automakers breaking things out, I actually have functioning eyes and ears and I use them pretty much all the... (Continue reading)

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

People... we have to stop the foreclosures. They breed more foreclosures. They reduce spending and lower tax receipts. They cause increased unemployment. They cause more bonds to default. They make our banks insolvent. They... (Continue reading)

Court Rules Private Right of Action Exists for Violations of CA Civil Code 2923.5 – Homeowners Can Now File Suit Against Lenders

The thing about this court decision is that, even if I think the law itself is marginal at best in what it offers, there is now a "private cause of action" attached to it. And that means that homeowners... (Continue reading)

The Banksters: Lloyd Blankfein, John Mack, Vikram Pandit, Jamie Dimon, Brian Moynihan, Et Al. Have we forgotten what lying is?

The Banksters: Lloyd Blankfein, John Mack, Vikram Pandit, Jamie Dimon, Brian Moynihan, Et Al. Have we forgotten what lying is?

Apparently, data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that 18 banks, including those listed above of course, have been lying about their levels of debt that are used to fund their trading of securities at the... (Continue reading)

At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop – The Loan Modification Zone

At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop - The Loan Modification Zone

A homeowner wrote to me the other day, and I could tell from her emails that she had been through the ringer trying to get a loan modification. I've heard from so many thousands of homeowners that I've gotten... (Continue reading)

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

As my readers know, I've never had guest columnists or posted what others have written, but when I read the article that follows, which was written by Max on June 1st of this year, and then found myself reading sections... (Continue reading)

California’s SB 1275, What’s Not to Like?

California's SB 1275, What's Not to Like?

"The confusion and errors that cost Californians their homes, are devastating to the state's housing market, but are avoidable and we need this measure to stop further deterioration of the California housing market." Center for Responsible Lending ... (Continue reading)

Bank of America Employees Say Bank Stole $100 Million from Paychecks

Bank of America Employees Say Bank Stole $100 Million from Paychecks

Well, today Bank of America employees in Kansas City, Loa Angeles, Charlotte and other cities around the country have filed a lawsuit alleging that our nation's largest bank cheated its employees out of $100 million in overtime pay. The... (Continue reading)

Homeowner tells Mandelman Matters of SCOVIS LAW GROUP, and I am DISGUSTED

Hey, McDevitt... you have no idea what you're talking about most of the time, do you. Expert? Published author? As seen on television? What were you on T.V. for... oh yeah... were you one of the... (Continue reading)

ABA and More Than a Dozen State Bars Ask Congress for Lawyer Exemption on Loan Modification Rule

ABA and More Than a Dozen State Bars Ask Congress for Lawyer Exemption on Loan Modification Rule

"A growing list of more than a dozen state bars and the ABA have asked for changes in congressional legislation aimed at protecting consumers from financial fraud because it contains language so broad that the everyday work of lawyers in... (Continue reading)

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

The Article that Started it All: Pigs, Puppets and People in Peril

Here it is... the first article I ever wrote for The Niche report magazine. Click the linked title below: Pigs, Puppets & People in Peril. Seems like soooo long ago... ... (Continue reading)

HEY, CHASE! YEAH, YOU… JPMORGAN CHASE! One of Your Customers Asked Me to Give You a Message…

Just to make it interesting... and fun... I'm going to do my best to really paint a picture of the situation, so the reader can feel like he or she is there... in the picture at the time of the... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the Rear: Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman Sachs

Bringing Up the Rear: Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman Sachs

Just think how it would have looked... Blankcheck would have said: "Gee, I couldn't tell you about the ins and outs of those billions we made," and someone would have walked over and whacked him with a good size stick.... (Continue reading)

Martin Andelman Responding to Erin Baldwin Writing on her Blog, The Big Bearian Returns

Initially, I didn't think there was any need to address Ms. Baldwin's accusations one by one because, they were either obviously untrue or just goofy. Additionally, they are the kind of things that are easily verified, so I figured why... (Continue reading)

Nina Easton’s HOT Stocks for Homeowners Losing Homes

Nina Easton's HOT Stocks for Homeowners Losing Homes

No, folks... the good news for our emerging foreclosure industry, and for my new Empty Homes Hi-Yield Bond Fund, is that our government has failed at every single turn in trying to stem the tide of foreclosures in this country,... (Continue reading)