In all but a very small number of cases, homeowners have continued to find the courts either unwilling or incapable of dispensing what they would consider fair and just solutions, and while the federal government has remained essentially mute on... (Continue reading)
What goes on in Jamie Dimon's head? He loses billions in a few weeks and then goes on Sunday morning talk shows looking like he's just written a cookbook or whatever, saying that he's getting tired of people hating... (Continue reading)
See, these are the kinds of things that make me afraid of the world around me... like, now I don't want to even leave my house. Does stuff like this work on "investors?" What... are the "investors" he... (Continue reading)
But, unquestionably, the best part of Senator's Shelby's largely unintelligible rant, was when he threw down the "don't fine them or there'll be no lending" card. He draws that card like a gun, doesn't he? He even sounds... (Continue reading)
The first time GMAC foreclosed on the couple's home was back in 2001. Totally current on their mortgage payments, it must have come as quite a shock. Once in foreclosure, GMAC wouldn't accept their monthly payments, so... (Continue reading)
So, take a few minutes and write to your elected representative about this. No one else, unless you feel like it, just your person in Congress. Tell them this line of thought is unacceptable, that we want Elizabeth... (Continue reading)
Now that Elizabeth Warren has been appointed to the post, albeit temporarily, support her with whatever support you can offer, Senator Dodd. Let the ones that oppose Elizabeth Warren stand naked in the light. And the American consumer....... (Continue reading)
The Great Depression Diary By Benjamin Roth Benjamin Roth was born in the last years of the nineteenth century, passed the Bar Exam during the Roaring Twenties and was a practicing attorney in 1929 when over a few days in... (Continue reading)
They tried and tried to make the bank understand that they should not be foreclosing on their dream retirement home, but the arrogant pricks at Bank of America, or as it "˜s more appropriately called, "The House that Lewis Broke,"... (Continue reading)