Posts Tagged ‘Huffington Post’

Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

And reverse mortgages keep homes safe from foreclosure, and millions of seniors have lost homes from foreclosure over the last five years. Many were denied loan modifications because they had equity in their homes. I can't help but... (Continue reading)

Attention Homeowners & Lawyers: AG Mortgage Settlement Launches Online Complaint Sites

Attention Homeowners & Lawyers: AG Mortgage Settlement Launches Online Complaint Sites

I for one am glad to see that this country is finally taking the foreclosure crisis seriously and that my tax dollars are being put to good use, and I really do hope that everyone take advantage of the new... (Continue reading)

Watch Which Words You Use With Republicans – They Could Take Their Toys and Go Home

Watch Which Words You Use With Republicans – They Could Take Their Toys and Go Home

The Republican's version of the report is said to be a whopping 13 pages long, and is expected to place the blame for the crisis squarely on the shoulders of poor people who wanted to buy houses, and how some... (Continue reading)

How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam… The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

 How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam... The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I'm afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

How many homes could we have saved with $111 MILLION, Wendy? How many people could we have fed... or trained to be able to get a new job one day? We're talking about $111 MILLION, damn it. ... (Continue reading)

President Obama… Thank You. Elizabeth Warren… Will You Marry Me?

President Obama... Thank You.  Elizabeth Warren... Will You Marry Me?

But that was before I knew Elizabeth Warren as the TARP chief... the Harvard professor... the advocate for the middle class... the woman who was the only person in Washington D.C. who could stare down Treasury Secretary Tim "Transparency" Geithner... (Continue reading)

INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

"And we documented what went on with each file so that if the investor came in to audit the files, everything would be accurate in terms of what had transpired and in what time frame. It was all about... (Continue reading)

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

It made me sad to know what Treasury Department officials had said about the foreclosure crisis and HAMP... very, very sad. In fact, I can't think of another time in history when my government acted as these guys have... (Continue reading)

After One Year, Obama Plan to Help Modify Second Mortgages Modifies NONE… Nada, Ziperino!

After One Year, Obama Plan to Help Modify Second Mortgages Modifies NONE… Nada, Ziperino!

The plan was announced last April. Treasury released guidelines in August. And five weeks ago, Bank of America, with three million seconds, signed up. Five weeks ago. Stop it... they've been busy.... (Continue reading)