Posts Tagged ‘bankruptcy’

A Realistic View of the Economy Ahead – Part 2

I realize the media is saying that "there are signs that our recovery is slowing," but that's just a bunch of nonsense.  This is not a time to live in denial.... (Continue reading)

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VIDEO: What We Know and Don’t Know About the Economy

VIDEO: What We Know and Don't Know About the Economy

Credit is tightening significantly, over 4 million homeowners have stopped making mortgage payments and some 40 million are un- or under-employed. So, what can you do to protect yourself going forward? ... (Continue reading)

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Supreme Court Rules… Homeowners Can’t Strip Underwater Seconds in Ch. 7 Bankruptcy

Supreme Court Rules... Homeowners Can't Strip Underwater Seconds in Ch. 7 Bankruptcy

If you have a second that's underwater, the Supreme Court has ruled that there's no more getting out of it through bankruptcy. ... (Continue reading)

We’re Not Stopping the Foreclosure Crisis because it Affects Mostly Brown People

We’re Not Stopping the Foreclosure Crisis because it Affects Mostly Brown People

This is not a tragedy that discriminates. The race diminished as a result of what is being allowed to transpire will be "human". ... (Continue reading)

GUEST POST: Debtor Education Course: Are Joe and Sally to Blame? By Attorney Russ DeMott

GUEST POST: Debtor Education Course: Are Joe and Sally to Blame? By Attorney Russ DeMott

Russ truly likes helping people with financial struggles. "I view my practice as a way to level the playing field between ordinary citizens"”the voters"”and Corporate America"”the vote buyers. I'm unapologetically on the side of the little guy." And you... (Continue reading)

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner’s Boot Camp!

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner's Boot Camp!

Max Gardner is holding one more Boot Camp this calendar year at his beautiful 160-acre farm in Western North Carolina. It's almost sold out, but there are a few seats remaining so he decided to offer them at a... (Continue reading)

A TIME FOR GOOD JUDGEMENT: The jury is in AND we need judges to modify the way banks behave.

A TIME FOR GOOD JUDGEMENT:  The jury is in AND we need judges to modify the way banks behave.

Our country is in crisis, and we can't expect the banks to act for the overall good of our society... that's not their role... that's the role of the elected representatives who serve in our government. No surprises there,... (Continue reading)

Lawyers, foreclosure fatigue and the dreaded FREE HOUSE

Lawyers, foreclosure fatigue and the dreaded FREE HOUSE

Wake up people, we're running out of time. We need to do better and that means we need to get smarter. And since I still have faith that our laws will prevail, we'll be needing our nation's lawyers... (Continue reading)

The Most Damaging Propaganda Campaign in History. And its Aimed at You and Me

The Most Damaging Propaganda Campaign in History. And its Aimed at You and Me

Debt is a status symbol... debt is a sign of success... debt is cool... you should want as much debt as you can get... being approved for more debt means you've made it. I want to be a gold... (Continue reading)

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state's senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it's like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

More than half of our country doesn't care about the foreclosure crisis because to them, it's just bankers acting in their own best interests by foreclosing on homes that borrowers irresponsibly bought knowing they couldn't afford them. It's therefore... (Continue reading)

Mandelman’s Uncommon Advice for Getting Through the Loan Modification Process Without Losing It

Mandelman’s Uncommon Advice for Getting Through the Loan Modification Process Without Losing It

There's no point in sugarcoating this... getting a bank or mortgage servicer to agree to modify a mortgage is never a pleasant experience. In fact, it's pretty much horrible, even when it's good. You may finish the process... (Continue reading)

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Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Even though the bill was supported by EVERYONE but the banking lobby, it was rejected 36-30 in the Assembly. Even after it was approved by the state Senate and three Assembly committees. This time... no... but thank you... (Continue reading)

Barofsky’s Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Barofsky’s Report: Taxpayer Support for Financial Sector Now $3.7 Trillion

Taxpayer support for the financial system grew by $700 billion last year, and has now reached roughly $3.7 trillion, including TARP, Federal Reserve programs, asset guarantees and federal bank deposit insurance, among other commitments. ... (Continue reading)

Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Ms. Warren should unquestionably be asked to head up this new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, bribed, begged and/or pleaded with, if need be. Without her philosophy and leadership setting the standards and tone of this new bureau as it... (Continue reading)

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

Uh oh. Someone's gonna' be in big trouble... as in... Lucy, you got some "˜splainin' to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)

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At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop – The Loan Modification Zone

At the Bank of America Signpost Up Ahead, Your Next Stop - The Loan Modification Zone

A homeowner wrote to me the other day, and I could tell from her emails that she had been through the ringer trying to get a loan modification. I've heard from so many thousands of homeowners that I've gotten... (Continue reading)

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

The Great Unwind and the Final Redemption, by O. Max Gardner III

As my readers know, I've never had guest columnists or posted what others have written, but when I read the article that follows, which was written by Max on June 1st of this year, and then found myself reading sections... (Continue reading)

Wall Street to Securitize Delinquent Loans. Because it went so well last time, I suppose.

So, based on that... the only logical thing to do is securitize some non-performing loans. Of course, it's brilliant! I'm calling AIG-FP later today to see if they'll sell me a credit default swap against this crap. ... (Continue reading)

Why Can’t We Answer the Question About HAMP That Could Save Taxpayers Tens of Billions?

Why Can't We Answer the Question About HAMP That Could Save Taxpayers Tens of Billions?

How about if we all write letters to our elected representatives demanding to know the answer to this question, because the answer has the very definite potential to save many billions in unnecessary taxpayer funded expenditures associated with the current... (Continue reading)

Who is Freddie Mac to Strategic Defaulters? Well, I Have a Message for Freddie Mac.

Who is Freddie Mac to Strategic Defaulters?  Well, I Have a Message for Freddie Mac.

What is Freddie Mac anyway? I've personally spoken with several thousand homeowners from all over the country, hundreds that have considered walking away from their mortgages, or are now in the process of doing so, and let me assure... (Continue reading)

HAMP’s New Enhancements are Stupid and I’m Getting Tired of Stupid

HAMP’s New Enhancements are Stupid and I’m Getting Tired of Stupid

They did it again, damn it. The Harvard contingent that's packed in like sardines in this administration once again demonstrated that they have no idea what they're doing when it comes to the foreclosure crisis.... (Continue reading)

What We All Should Have Learned by Now About Loan Modifications

What We All Should Have Learned by Now About Loan Modifications

Okay class... if you've been keeping up with your reading assignments, then the following should be no problem for you to keep up with... but it also may cause motion sickness.... (Continue reading)

The Question of Bankruptcy

The Question of Bankruptcy

Having now spoken with several people who have struggled with the question of filing bankruptcy, I'm just trying to offer my two cents in case it might help even one person. ... (Continue reading)

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Attorneys Offering Loan Modification Services Find a Friend in NACBA

One of the things the Commission has wanted to do from the beginning was lobby against SB 94 as it was written, and that became more important when the bill was modified just before July 4th to prohibit attorneys from... (Continue reading)