Posts Tagged ‘TALF’

I Would Have Bet Anything Against This 10 Years Ago…

I Would Have Bet Anything Against This 10 Years Ago...

If even ten years ago, someone would have tried to tell me that in 2012, young people in Russia would be doing this, while in the U.S.A. our young people would be drowning, I NEVER would have believed it.... (Continue reading)

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Is Bank of America Worth $200 Billion?

Is Bank of America Worth $200 Billion?

Bank of America bought Countrywide for $4 billion and change. That sounds funny to me now. You've got to admit it. The idea that someone would PAY money for Countywide has to make you giggle at least... (Continue reading)

A Crush on Matt Taibbi and a Pox on Both Their Houses

A Crush on Matt Taibbi and a Pox on Both Their Houses

So, the strategy now seems quite clear: Our government decided to address the financial crisis and economic meltdown by handing out hundreds of millions to the wives of Wall Street executives so they could invest in student loans and commercial... (Continue reading)

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

Republicans Leap to the Aid of Banker-Servicers Over AG Settlement Proposal

But, unquestionably, the best part of Senator's Shelby's largely unintelligible rant, was when he threw down the "don't fine them or there'll be no lending" card. He draws that card like a gun, doesn't he? He even sounds... (Continue reading)

Elizabeth Warren on the Foreclosure Crisis

Elizabeth Warren on the Foreclosure Crisis

Elizabeth Warren: "It's about respect. I believe that the American people ought to be part of the conversation about what's happening in our economy, and what's happening in Washington D.C. and what's happening on Wall Street. I truly... (Continue reading)

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Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

Banks Obviously in Trouble, 91 Banks Missed May Payments to Treasury

In some cases, banks are attempting to renegotiate or modify their loans. For example, Midwest Banc Holdings offered to swap $84.8 million in preferred shares issued under the TARP program for $15.5 million in common shares, but that would... (Continue reading)

Books That Matter: Crisis Economics, by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm

Books That Matter: Crisis Economics, by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm

Roubini explains things I didn't previously understand, such as the details of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's and Treasury Secretary Geithner's response to the meltdown. Oh, I knew some of what those two had done, but not enough in terms... (Continue reading)