It’s Mandelman on The Real Estate Guys Radio Show!

So, you know The Real Estate Guys radio show, right?  Russell Grey & Robert Helms?  Sure you do… Not only are they like famous on the radio, but Robert and Russ have co-authored the very highly rated book Equity Happens and star together on The Real Estate Guys TV Show which can be seen on The Success Training Network (TSTN).

So, they asked me to be on their show and I said… well, I said sure.  So, I did it, and it was fun and then I completely forgot about posting the show here.  Isn’t that just so… me.  Well, the truth is that not being in real estate, I really had no idea about their show, and I thought it sounded pretty boring… sorry, I did… but it actually wasn’t.  It’s sort of like Click & Clack, those brothers that do Car Talk on NPR on weekends.  You think it’s going to be dull, but then it’s not.

Well, they’ve become pretty big all over the country, and they have a really cool Website, which you can find here: The Real Estate Guys.

The thing is, the show was done last fall, so I wasn’t really sure it would still be relevant today, but luckily for me… we’ve made no progress whatsoever in the loan modification department, so if I did the show today, I’d be saying pretty much the same stuff.  How lucky is that?  Gee, I hope we make no progress again next year and I can just keep this show up indefinitely… of course, we’ll all be living under one of those bridges President Obama keeps saying we’re fixing as part of the economic stimulus, but so what…

So… if you want to hear a little Mandelman on The Real Estate Guys talking about loan modifications and the mess that is the foreclosure crisis, well then you have to click below… if not, not.

Come on… you want to hear it… I know you do… click it! It doesn’t suck, I swear.  And if it skips in the beginning, don’t stop it, it just takes a minute or two to load.

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