Posts Tagged ‘the new york times’

Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

And reverse mortgages keep homes safe from foreclosure, and millions of seniors have lost homes from foreclosure over the last five years. Many were denied loan modifications because they had equity in their homes. I can't help but... (Continue reading)

Heirs of Reverse Mortgage Holders Should be Happy, Happy and Happy

Heirs of Reverse Mortgage Holders Should be Happy, Happy and Happy

The reverse mortgage is the only vehicle that allows the flexibility of repayment terms that includes no repayment at all until after the death of the second spouse. There's nothing else like the HECM reverse mortgage... we should all... (Continue reading)

It’s Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

It's Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)

Optimism Lost, and by Optimism, I mean Ben Bernanke and the NYT

Optimism Lost, and by Optimism, I mean Ben Bernanke and the NYT

I think the nice folks at the New York Times have been spending too much time at Zabars? Because I'm pretty sure it's not a confidence deficiency... I think it's money we're missing... as in income, and the lack... (Continue reading)

There’s Pain in Spain as Banks Go Down the Drain… Let Me Explain

There’s Pain in Spain as Banks Go Down the Drain… Let Me Explain

I wonder what will happen in the next few years as more loans default and the condition of Spain's banks deteriorates further. You don't suppose that will mean fewer loans and tighter credit, which will reduce the demand for... (Continue reading)

$160 Million to DEFEND Fannie & Freddie? Now, if I could only find that damn rabbit hole I must have slid down…

$160 Million to DEFEND Fannie & Freddie?  Now, if I could only find that damn rabbit hole I must have slid down...

So, we the taxpayers have spent $160 Million DEFENDING them? Defending them? Gretchen... I think you must have a typo there, right? Shouldn't the question be, how much are we spending to PROSECUTE them? I mean,... (Continue reading)

Two Years Waiting for the New York Times to Write About Lawyers & Loan Modifications, and they Still GET IT WRONG.

Two Years Waiting for the New York Times to Write About Lawyers & Loan Modifications, and  they Still GET IT WRONG.

Can you hear me now? Is that doing it for you? The facts about California attorneys who offer to assist homeowners with loan modifications as presented in the New York Times story are just plain WRONG. ... (Continue reading)

You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why… BofA is Coming to Town… And, they might just break your door down!

You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why… BofA is Coming to Town… And, they might just break your door down!

Well, I'd have to say nicely done there, Bank of America, all around. I mean, you managed to take a woman from sending you $15,000 to take over the home out of probate after her husband died... her "haven"... (Continue reading)

House Dems Tell Justice Dept, the Fed, and Comptroller of Currency: “It is time that are held accountable for their practices.”

House Dems Tell Justice Dept, the Fed, and Comptroller of Currency: “It is time that are held accountable for their practices.”

With the election now less than a month away, House Democrats have requested a formal investigation into the highly questionable foreclosure practices by the banks and servicers. According to the Times story, Speaker Pelosi said that "the excuses we... (Continue reading)

Making Home Affordable Program: Treasury Finally Admits IT’S A DUD!

Making Home Affordable Program: Treasury Finally Admits IT'S A DUD!

As a nation, we don't want to modify mortgages for the benefit of those in foreclosure, we need to modify mortgages for the benefit of those not yet in foreclosure. Or in other words, don't modify my neighbor's mortgage... (Continue reading)

Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” and the “Mud People”

Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” and the “Mud People”

Beth Jacobson says that she and fellow loan officers at Wells Fargo Bank systematically singled out blacks in and around Baltimore in order to sell them high-interest sub-prime mortgages, whether they would have qualified for prime loans or not. ... (Continue reading)

Goldman Sachs… You’re a Liar!

Goldman Sachs… You’re a Liar!

But, Goldman Sachs... you're a liar. A phony. A manipulator of the rules. A company willing to mislead, misinform and malign. You cannot be trusted. And during times like these, to act in such a... (Continue reading)

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