So, why does Cordray make it sound like he's describing a problem with reverse mortgages when he's actually not? Why is he scaring seniors away from a reverse mortgage, when it could transform their lives, or save their homes,... (Continue reading)
I suppose I'll never know who was involved or what you've done to this nation by manipulating or withholding such information from Congress, from the president, from the American people and from the world. If you did any of... (Continue reading)
According to Shahien's story in HuffPo, the secret investigations were initiated in response to last year's reports, which indicated that large lenders were improperly accelerating foreclosure proceedings... or, in other words... look who just figured out that robo-signing affidavits and... (Continue reading)
1. Help is NOT on the Way... 2. Go see the documentary "INSIDE JOB"... if it's not already too late. 3. One and Done... I Agree... Obama Shouldn't Run in 2012. 4. The Government is Launching Criminal Probes Into... (Continue reading)
Now that Elizabeth Warren has been appointed to the post, albeit temporarily, support her with whatever support you can offer, Senator Dodd. Let the ones that oppose Elizabeth Warren stand naked in the light. And the American consumer....... (Continue reading)