Posts Tagged ‘QE2’

What Shall We Tell Our Children, Mr. President?

What Shall We Tell Our Children, Mr. President?

What shall we tell the children, Mr. President? How can we tell them the truth? How can we tell them we've lost faith in America... that our government has abandoned us... that we no longer feel like a... (Continue reading)

Please Stop Bernanke’s Transparency – He’s Frightening the Children

Please Stop Bernanke’s Transparency – He’s Frightening the Children

Okay, that's it... I'm convinced... Ben has never actually been to a "troubled community." Would someone in Washington D.C please take him on a tour of pretty much anywhere Southeast will do... Minnesota Avenue, Lincoln Heights, I'm sure Anacostia... (Continue reading)

Ice, Ice Baby – Iceland’s people give cold shoulder to paying for acts of reckless bankers.

Ice, Ice Baby – Iceland’s people give cold shoulder to paying for acts of reckless bankers.

Now, the British and Dutch governments want their money back, but Iceland's people are saying, well... no, not to put too fine a point on it. You might even say that the Icelanders are saying: "Hell no!" ... (Continue reading)

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

BREAKTHROUGH: Why Americans Are Allowing the Foreclosure Crisis to Continue

More than half of our country doesn't care about the foreclosure crisis because to them, it's just bankers acting in their own best interests by foreclosing on homes that borrowers irresponsibly bought knowing they couldn't afford them. It's therefore... (Continue reading)

How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam… The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

 How to Tell Legitimate Loan Modification Firm from an Illegal Operation or Scam... The FTC’s New Bright Line MARS Rule

The facts of the matter today as related to the foreclosure crisis and loan modifications, however, could not be considered positive, I'm afraid. Help does not appear to be on the way, or on the horizon. As inconceivable... (Continue reading)

T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

I write this political year-in-review holiday poem every year. I love doing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will send it to others of like mind as well. Happy Holidays!... (Continue reading)

QE2 Leaves Port, Bernanke Takes Leave of Senses

QE2 Leaves Port, Bernanke Takes Leave of Senses

I want to go on record as saying that Bernanke's QE2 has no chance of working, in the sense that it will do nothing positive in the long run, and won't even do much in the short run to help... (Continue reading)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers” (You go, Your Honor.)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers”  (You go, Your Honor.)

Now, tell the truth... I'm not saying that this is what happened next, but what if I told you that the next thing that happened was that Khast bought a handgun and shot a banker in the head, would you... (Continue reading)

Why Servicers Foreclose When They Should Modify… YAWN.

Why Servicers Foreclose When They Should Modify... YAWN.

So, I have bad news... help is not on its way. No one is going to do anything to make this situation better. It's up to us and us alone. In my mind this is war, people,... (Continue reading)

ANOTHER THUMPIN’. And, damn if he doesn’t have me hoping for change again.

ANOTHER THUMPIN’.  And, damn if he doesn’t have me hoping for change again.

It's worth considering, for example, that in the extreme crisis of the last two years, we might have dutifully followed a president if he would have just read us a bedtime story about a rabbit and a mule a couple... (Continue reading)