I'm not kidding about this... every morning I wake up, get my coffee, turn on some cable news show, look over at my wife and say: "Look at that, honey... BofA didn't blow up again today! Will wonders never... (Continue reading)
Bank of America bought Countrywide for $4 billion and change. That sounds funny to me now. You've got to admit it. The idea that someone would PAY money for Countywide has to make you giggle at least... (Continue reading)
They've finally realized it... do you think? They thought other things would have happened by now as a result of pumping trillions into banks and the economy overall... and they haven't. And housing is in a free fall,... (Continue reading)
Housing prices may someday be high again, like the way they were a few years ago, but that's a subject for the next generation, or even the one after that. It's not something for me, at 49 years old...... (Continue reading)
I realize that his speech the other night was intended to be more State-of-the-Union-like than a presentation of specific solutions, but I still came away feeling a bit like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis. America's banks are, in large part, insolvent.... (Continue reading)
This month in Mandelman's Monthly Museletter: 1. Oregon Woman Accuses Vice President Al Gore of Sexual Misconduct in 2006. 2. Fear Deflation, Pray for Inflation. 3. The latest from Nobel Prize Winning Economist, Paul Krugman. 4. HAMP's UP Program... (Continue reading)
Here it is... the first article I ever wrote for The Niche report magazine. Click the linked title below: Pigs, Puppets & People in Peril. Seems like soooo long ago... ... (Continue reading)
Roubini explains things I didn't previously understand, such as the details of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's and Treasury Secretary Geithner's response to the meltdown. Oh, I knew some of what those two had done, but not enough in terms... (Continue reading)
I'm also fearful that we've become a nation of people that doesn't believe in our democracy anymore. A nation of people who will wait for things to happen to them, rather than trying to change what happens to them.... (Continue reading)
As I've said what feels like a million times in a million different ways... it wasn't the borrowers, it was the banks, and what caused the crisis was that the banks broke the bond market... and it remains broken to... (Continue reading)
So, when an attorney fails to get a bank to agree that it would make more sense to modify a loan... when it would, by the way... and the bank forecloses anyway... let's blame the people that are actually to... (Continue reading)
The Great Depression Diary By Benjamin Roth Benjamin Roth was born in the last years of the nineteenth century, passed the Bar Exam during the Roaring Twenties and was a practicing attorney in 1929 when over a few days in... (Continue reading)
If any private sector attorney thinks that he or she can practice autonomously, hidden away in a little box, pretending to exist under some sort of imaginary radar... and that somehow federal or state regulators are supposed to know that... (Continue reading)
We need judges to be able to write down mortgages on primary residences because the banks aren't doing it voluntarily, the administration's Making Home Affordable plan isn't working, and the result continues to be millions of foreclosures that are destroying... (Continue reading)
But, Goldman Sachs... you're a liar. A phony. A manipulator of the rules. A company willing to mislead, misinform and malign. You cannot be trusted. And during times like these, to act in such a... (Continue reading)