November, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas, 2007

Twas the Night Before Christmas, 2007

Here's the first year I wrote Twas the Night Before Christmas as a year-in-review online. You'll find 2008 & 2009 here on Mandelman Matters, as well. They're posted in the section "People Say I'm Funny." Reading them... (Continue reading)

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T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

I write this political year-in-review holiday poem every year. I love doing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will send it to others of like mind as well. Happy Holidays!... (Continue reading)

Mandelman U. Presents: There’s Credit Default Swaps & then there’s Credit Default Swaps

Mandelman U. Presents: There’s Credit Default Swaps & then there's Credit Default Swaps

Seventy percent of the U.S. economy is driven by consumer spending, which has been driven by borrowing over the last ten years. Even if we wanted to do so, we can't borrow our way back to prosperity this time... (Continue reading)

FTC Moves to Protect Homeowners With New MARS Rule – Regulates Loan Modifications Nationwide

FTC Moves to Protect Homeowners With New MARS Rule – Regulates Loan Modifications Nationwide

In fact, in California specifically, where there is already a state law governing advance fees, known as SB 94, lawyers will see very little change when the new FTC rule takes effect at the end of this calendar year. ... (Continue reading)

IT’S BACK & IT’S HERE: Mandelman’s Monthly Museletter – Version 9.0

IT’S BACK & IT’S HERE: Mandelman’s Monthly Museletter - Version 9.0

1. Help is NOT on the Way... 2. Go see the documentary "INSIDE JOB"... if it's not already too late. 3. One and Done... I Agree... Obama Shouldn't Run in 2012. 4. The Government is Launching Criminal Probes Into... (Continue reading)

Foreclosure Mom’s Rap

Foreclosure Mom's Rap

Here's Foreclosure Mom's rap... nothing further need be said... watch it. And if you're going to try to get your loan modified, get a REST Report... I wouldn't even consider trying it without it. You can find out more... (Continue reading)

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Where Are Our Religious Leaders?

Where Are Our Religious Leaders?

Pardon me, but we've got someone in this country in charge of something called a "FOOD INSECURITY REPORT?" And Dick Fuld got $500,000,000 for bankrupting Lehman Bros. Holy Mother of God. And that brings me to the... (Continue reading)

QE2 Leaves Port, Bernanke Takes Leave of Senses

QE2 Leaves Port, Bernanke Takes Leave of Senses

I want to go on record as saying that Bernanke's QE2 has no chance of working, in the sense that it will do nothing positive in the long run, and won't even do much in the short run to help... (Continue reading)

Well, Would You Look at That: Elizabeth Warren Might Be Replaced by a Bank Lobbyist

Well, Would You Look at That: Elizabeth Warren Might Be Replaced by a Bank Lobbyist

So, take a few minutes and write to your elected representative about this. No one else, unless you feel like it, just your person in Congress. Tell them this line of thought is unacceptable, that we want Elizabeth... (Continue reading)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers” (You go, Your Honor.)

Chief Judge Gonzalez calls WaMu’s Conduct “Immoral, Unethical, Oppressive, Unscrupulous or Substantially Injurious to Consumers”  (You go, Your Honor.)

Now, tell the truth... I'm not saying that this is what happened next, but what if I told you that the next thing that happened was that Khast bought a handgun and shot a banker in the head, would you... (Continue reading)

Why Servicers Foreclose When They Should Modify… YAWN.

Why Servicers Foreclose When They Should Modify... YAWN.

So, I have bad news... help is not on its way. No one is going to do anything to make this situation better. It's up to us and us alone. In my mind this is war, people,... (Continue reading)

OUTRAGEOUS! Morgan Stanley Money Manager Won’t Be Prosecuted for Felony

OUTRAGEOUS! Morgan Stanley Money Manager Won't Be Prosecuted for Felony

Excuse me, DA Hurlbert? You're not going to prosecute Martin Joel Erzinger for running down someone riding a bicycle and then fleeing the scene because it wouldn't look good on the guy's resume? Seriously, Mr. Hurlbert? Where... (Continue reading)

ANOTHER THUMPIN’. And, damn if he doesn’t have me hoping for change again.

ANOTHER THUMPIN’.  And, damn if he doesn’t have me hoping for change again.

It's worth considering, for example, that in the extreme crisis of the last two years, we might have dutifully followed a president if he would have just read us a bedtime story about a rabbit and a mule a couple... (Continue reading)

This country has changed. And it hasn’t. The power of the people remains intact.

This country has changed.  And it hasn't. The power of the people remains intact.

Join me now for the stories of three such Americans. May their stories remind you of the power we all posses to serve our country and help it grow and prosper, so that our government of the people, by... (Continue reading)

Howie Hubler’s Loan Value Group… Proof That Wall Street Has No Idea What’s Happening on Main Street

Howie Hubler's Loan Value Group... Proof That Wall Street Has No Idea What's Happening on Main Street

Want to know who Howie Hubler is? Did you read Michael Lewis' book, "The Big Short," because if you did, you might remember Lewis mentioning a bond trader at Morgan Stanley that lost the investment bank $9 BILLION... more... (Continue reading)