Posts Tagged ‘shame the banks’

FEDS Announce Enforcement Actions Against 14 Servicers, LPS and MERS… Hot Towels in Washrooms Threatened Once Again

FEDS Announce Enforcement Actions Against 14 Servicers, LPS and MERS… Hot Towels in Washrooms Threatened Once Again

Still, I'm committed to covering this subject even when doing so means that I have to start drinking at 9:30 in the morning... kidding, I'm just kidding... so, here's the news on the FEDS and their "enforcement actions," and I... (Continue reading)

Homeowner Suffers Horrific Injustice at the Hands of JPMorgan Chase

Homeowner Suffers Horrific Injustice at the Hands of JPMorgan Chase

We're not people who simply decided to skip out on our mortgage. We did everything as upright and by the book as we were instructed to do by Chase yet we still lost our home. On the day they took... (Continue reading)

Man Drives Car Through Bank of America’s Lobby – Police Investigate, Unsure of Motive

Man Drives Car Through Bank of America’s Lobby – Police Investigate, Unsure of Motive

So, wait a minute here... he drove into the bank... into it... he was inside a Bank of America at 4:00 AM... and police are still trying to determine if any property was taken... but he's only being charged with... (Continue reading)

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

Now, clearly this is a decision that's worth reading for one's self... Judge Grossman is one heck of a writer and not one to play patty-cake with MERS or those of the banking persuasion, but I thought I'd at least... (Continue reading)

GMAC… Payments or Not, The Foreclosure Machine that Just Won’t Stop

GMAC… Payments or Not, The Foreclosure Machine that Just Won’t Stop

The first time GMAC foreclosed on the couple's home was back in 2001. Totally current on their mortgage payments, it must have come as quite a shock. Once in foreclosure, GMAC wouldn't accept their monthly payments, so... (Continue reading)

You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why… BofA is Coming to Town… And, they might just break your door down!

You Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why… BofA is Coming to Town… And, they might just break your door down!

Well, I'd have to say nicely done there, Bank of America, all around. I mean, you managed to take a woman from sending you $15,000 to take over the home out of probate after her husband died... her "haven"... (Continue reading)

Foreclosures Poised to Take Down the U.S. Banking System… and even entire economy, says Whalen. (Ya’ think?)

Foreclosures Poised to Take Down the U.S. Banking System… and even entire economy, says Whalen.  (Ya’ think?)

"Laurie Goodman of Amherst Securities predicts that 1 in 5 mortgages could go into foreclosure without radical action." Now just a minute here... you're not saying that one out of five people with mortgages are "irresponsible sub-prime borrowers who never... (Continue reading)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

How many homes could we have saved with $111 MILLION, Wendy? How many people could we have fed... or trained to be able to get a new job one day? We're talking about $111 MILLION, damn it. ... (Continue reading)

INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

"And we documented what went on with each file so that if the investor came in to audit the files, everything would be accurate in terms of what had transpired and in what time frame. It was all about... (Continue reading)

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Banks Kick Consumer’s Butts Once Again – SB 1275 Dies in the California Assembly

Even though the bill was supported by EVERYONE but the banking lobby, it was rejected 36-30 in the Assembly. Even after it was approved by the state Senate and three Assembly committees. This time... no... but thank you... (Continue reading)

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

AMERICA LOST: Treasury’s meetings with bloggers tells a story that I didn’t want to hear.

It made me sad to know what Treasury Department officials had said about the foreclosure crisis and HAMP... very, very sad. In fact, I can't think of another time in history when my government acted as these guys have... (Continue reading)