However, as it turns out, Newark’s housing market isn’t in the worst shape of any U.S. city. To visit the city with that distinction, you need to head north from Newark about 125 miles… and when you get to... (Continue reading)
The program would allow homeowners trapped in certain type of mortgage, known as a Private Label Security or PLS Loans, to voluntarily participate in a program where the City purchases these mortgages from investors and repackages them at terms homeowners... (Continue reading)
So, if you take the property legally, you cannot use FHA… but if you foreclose illegally and sell it to a bona fide third party, that buyer certainly can use FHA. And if that makes any sense whatsoever to... (Continue reading)
Eminent domain to answer the problems with underwater mortgages? Well, the lines have been drawn… the battle appears eminent… pun intended. But Professor Hockett, the man behind the eminent domain plan, says it’s not going to get tied... (Continue reading)